JoinedTopics Started by ruderedhead
Would this t shirt get you in trouble
by slimboyfat ini met a jw in town yesterday while i was wearing this t shirt.
it didn't even occur to me it was a problem because it is a joke , but he seemed really annoyed about it and kind of cut me short.
Big anniversary today.
by JeffT inmarch 18, 1989. my wife and i mailed our da letter.
there's been a lot of life post-jw.
i'm glad we're not still waiting for something to happen.
I have a problem any suggestions would be appreciated
by nugget inthis year will be my parents 50th wedding anniversary.
my mum is a jw my father is not.
my husband and i hade been df'd and i have 3 sisters.
My Wedding Anniversary
by TOTH ini am happy to announce that today marks 22 years of married bliss to the most beautiful girl on earth.
my lovely wife was always being harassed by the local overlords for wearing too much makeup, having her hair too wild, and for not being submissive to them.
when we began dating the overlords pressured me to get her to change.
Do you stil have Jw stuff
by d ini still have jw stuff like bibles and watchtower i have to get rid of.
do you any of you guys and girls here have stuff you to get rid of..
by lostinthought inso today is my birthday.
one of my "worldy" friends invited me over his house cause he thought being alone on my birthday was horrible.
we all had ice cream sunday's and we played words with friends, nothing extravagant but a way to recognize that i was born today.
I can't believe it, but a kid got marked for having worldy friends.
by Knowsnothing init's true.
last night, a kid got marked for having worldy friends.
the usual no friendship with the world texts made its way in.
Wish I didnt know....Part 2 My Story
by Wishididntknow inafter a terrible break up and being away from the congregation for about 10yrs i started to think about coming back.
i couldnt even watch the news anymore because of the termendous anxiety it would cause.
i felt that there was a target on my back and the big a would surely come before i could get my act together.
Can someone please help me?
by ruderedhead inhello, i'm new to posting here, although i have been reading and gaining insight for quite a while.
thank you to all of you.. i wrote a letter of disassociation this week, and sent it to the local kh.
i have been faded for a number of years, and after much research, know that the witnesses do not have the truth.
Are there any former Circuit Overseers on this site?
by Robert7 ini've seen responses from a number of elders, but have any co's become enlightened?