All these time lines and guessing games the society has been playing since it’s conception is like a never ending chain of continuous sin that few seem to want to acknowledge.
I think that is probably the largest of all turn offs for me as a jw. Even as a teen I knew it was wrong and it bothered me. It never failed to amaze me how often and how candidly I was brushed off when ever I would bring it up. BOGGLES THE MIND.
I recall one time I asked a simple little question about the society’s timeline regarding Adam and Eve. I asked how do we know God isn’t counting from the moment Eve took that first bite from the tree of knowledge? OR When Adam shared it? What year was THAT? The response I got was pretty stupid. “Uh…because the governing body are the ones that figured it out and they are spiritually directed to do so and we’re not.” OH REALLY? All I could respond with was: If THAT’S true then why are they trying to figure it out at all?