You obviously paid enough attention to reply.
I was disappointed with your post. You usually have more of a point to make. You must be bored this evening to be picking apart someone's grammar.
your still dedicated and baptised witnesses of jehovah, but you are free on this board to.
shout from the house tops to the whole world what jesus tells you in secret!
remember his command !
You obviously paid enough attention to reply.
I was disappointed with your post. You usually have more of a point to make. You must be bored this evening to be picking apart someone's grammar.
ok i know what you are going to say.. so dont say it.
just bare with me here.. i really really need to compile a comprehensive list of doctrines or .
teachings that the watchtower is currently holding that is wrong.. can you try to be objective?.
My response to your earlier post was a bit negative (although I feel it was the truth) but I admire your determination. I was in the exact same position as yourself a few months ago.
You don't need a huge list of doctrine issues. I feel you would be better served with only few key points. Give her a point and let her think about it... keep in mind her instinct will be to run to the elders and ask them how she should think about it. I was successful in making a couple of points with my girlfriend and so one day I decided I'd dump a pile of them on her and that ended it for me. For some reason she could try to reason through one or two points I'd made but once a gave her a huge list she thought I was out to get the Watchtower and wouldn't listen any more.
I would also advise you to stay with events that happened as recently as possible. If you go with the old stuff that everyone seems to recomend you'll simply run into the "new light" bs and you may once again lose her attention. Once you have her attention then hit her with the old stuff. Avoid overwhelming her.
I'm sure you know this but only use their books to make your points. Once again the more recent the publication the better.
Check out:
The first site is an excellent source for quotes and the second site tells the story of a guy who accomplished what you're trying to do. It took him 4 years.
Hope this helps,
i would like to ask ew-jws jw a question.
when you read the book crisis of conscience how instrumental was that book in getting you to leave the organisation.. i have a gf who is an active jw.... i by the way am wordly.
this religion thing is putting strain on our relationship.. she condems me for obtaining information about the watchtower from apostates or just about anyone who has something yo say about the org.
You must be crazy for your girlfriend to be attempting to change her but if at all possible I'd forget the whole thing and move on.
I too am not a witness and never have been. When I met my girlfriend she didn't mention the witness stuff for a long time and actually had not been active for many years. Everything was perfect and we eventually ended up having a child. We had agreed before hand that the child would not be raised a witness. Well... she has changed her mind entirely and now my life is hell (figuratively).
My point is that even though many leave they still hold the beliefs to be true and in many if not most cases I figure it's impossible to shake them. I've had witnesses come to the door on Saturday (for the benefit of my gf), had them in to explain their views and even though I have shown weaknesses in the points they are making they eventually say something to the effect that my questioning (more like poking holes in their beliefs) has made them feel stronger in their conviction. They are devoid of reason when it comes to their beliefs. Black, white, truth, lie... To question their faith is to question God himself.
All religions offer their believers a hope for something existing when we die. The real truth is that no one will know for sure what happens when we die until we make the trip ourselves. For witnesses that hope is more tangible than any other religion I am familiar with... living forever in a paradise on earth... some people need to know that this is what is going to happen, my girlfriend does and nothing I or anyone else says or doese is going to change that. To take that belief away she would have to come to terms with the fact that she might never again see her family and friends that have already died. Why would she want to take away a warm, fuzzy feeling like that?
Sorry if I sound bitter but the simple fact is that I am! Trust me Jerome even if she leaves there is no garentee that she won't go back. What if you have kids? Would you want them raised as JWs? I have friends that are witnesses, they're great people and I enjoy their time but after researching a little bit I always wonder if they don't stay friendly with a worldly guy like me in the hopes that one day they will be able to start a bible study. You know this is always on their mind... they love penciling in all those study hours on their little witness calendars.
Cut your losses and leave now.
for my own piece of mind i would like to talk with a family lawyer who has experience in dealing with custody cases involving jws.
if anyone is aware of anyone or can pass along links it would be greatly appreciated.. ps - i am located in canada.
For my own piece of mind I would like to talk with a family lawyer who has experience in dealing with custody cases involving JWs. If anyone is aware of anyone or can pass along links it would be greatly appreciated.
PS - I am located in Canada.
i was raised in the "truth" and my mom is still very dedicated to being a witness.
i've noticed that over time, the society seems to have gotten more secular, or at least it appears so.. for example, the blood issue is now more secular, you can't be disfellowshipped.. also, being able to accept military civil service instead of going to jail.
i also read that a witness can now attend holiday celebrations with their unbelieving mate.. has anyone noticed this as well?
Crochunter et al,
I have read a great deal about the blood issues and stumbled across things on the alternate military service but have not read anything about holiday celebrations. Could you (or anyone) tell me where I could find more information on this subject?
suppose the organization scores a couple years of net, objective.
decline of publishers, using their own statistics.
can you imagine what the effect would be?
I must be missing something. How would "The orgaization is dying" refute anything they believe. In my opinion this is on par with grade 2 and saying "I know you are but what am I". Given this may cause a few to quite I think it would make some even more determined to stay and get out there and publish more.
i've got a bit of a question, or maybe a poll .
.. my wife is a jw and i am not.
that pretty much sums up or life.
Making her get a job reminds me of a non-JW I knew. His reasoning was quite similar to your own... he was enabling her to go at the witness thing full force but not making her work so he made her get a job. She started to do well in her job and the plan backfired on the guy. Suddenly she had the means to support herself, couple this with the religion thing at home and pretty soon he was divorced.
This can't hold true for all cases. Pierced Angel makes clear that it was starting her own business (gaining independence) that helped her break free. I know many witnesses that don't have anything (ie. no interests, no real friends, no life) outside of the hall but most of these individuals didn't have a life before they joined.
Sometimes I think the best way to reach people is to look at the reasons why they joined. I honestly believe that you have to be missing something to get involved with the WT.
i would be interested in anyone's stories regarding how the children were raised in interfaith marriages.
i know of several individuals (mostly men) that are married to jw women and they all seem to have different arrangements for raising their children.. in one case the father simply ignores the religion issue and the children for the most part.. in another instance there are two children one being raised as a jw and the other being raised as a chatholic.
understandibly this becomes quite an issue at birthdays and christmas.. i yet another instance the "head of the house" routine comes into play where the father has the say on everything and his say is that the children do not attend meetings or practice anything jw related.. most of these relationships are difficult at the best of times but at least the couples involved have stuck it out.
I would be interested in anyone's stories regarding how the children were raised in interfaith marriages. I know of several individuals (mostly men) that are married to JW women and they all seem to have different arrangements for raising their children.
In one case the father simply ignores the religion issue and the children for the most part.
In another instance there are two children one being raised as a JW and the other being raised as a Chatholic. Understandibly this becomes quite an issue at birthdays and Christmas.
I yet another instance the "head of the house" routine comes into play where the father has the say on everything and his say is that the children do not attend meetings or practice anything JW related.
Most of these relationships are difficult at the best of times but at least the couples involved have stuck it out. What do people think about these situations? What do you think will happen to the children. I am of the opinion that they will kick the WT habit. The influence exerted on these children by the non-JW parent must have a beneficial influence... what do others think about this? Does anyone have a positive story about children in an interfaith marriage?
no federal aid will be given to organizations that ban the flag.. will this be the next legal battle for the org?
Do you have a reference for your statement? I would be interested in the details.
no federal aid will be given to organizations that ban the flag.. will this be the next legal battle for the org?
Does the WT really require any financial aid?