Topics Started by Tooz
This is harder than I thought...
by SophieG inok....i am trying to go inactive to fade.
however all my family is in, except for one relative.
i cannot move away.
another closet apostate
by outsmartthesystem injust thought i'd share.
a friend of mine moved away about 10 years ago.
he was a ms at the time.
I left the Witnesses over 10 years ago, but finally went back
by JakeMarley inthe entire time i was gone it was nagging at me.
i hadn't been previously baptized, so leaving wasn't that big a deal.
now i'm back in the swing of it, going to all meetings and field service.
Thor answered my prayer
by Stealth inwhere i live in the usa we are experiencing record breaking drought and heat.
over a month with no rain and 27 consecutive days with heat above 90. forcast calls for tripple digit heat for the next 7 days.. last night i broke down an prayed to thor, this morning he answered my prayer as i heard thunder at 5am and woke up to see rain.
only 1/10 of an inch, but rain that was not in the forcast.. is this not proof that thor is a true god?.
Dad says hes cutting lines of communication
by 2tone ini'm really pissed.
i havent attended the kingdom hall in several months.
my dad says hes going to stop talking to me.
Jehovah`s Witnesses are a religion of HATE . And God is a God of love
by smiddy indoes that sound harsh ?
well lets see now ,i was a faithful slave/servant/ member /volunteer (oops cant say that ) for 33 years , and i was taught to hate all that was bad , any and everything the watchtower said was bad , including my own shortcomings and sinful tendencies of youth , to be approved by jehovah i had to hate what was bad ,especially , false religion , not just any religion but false religion.
now while i had my ups and downs with my own imperfections ,sinfull state and desires of youth , i maintained a steadfast hatred of false religion.. now who were they saying was false religion , why it was the various jewish faiths (which jw`s had a foundation on ) certainly the eastern religions ,hinduism ,shintoism ,the islamic , definetly the african demonistic practices ,as well as the south american superstitious religions,in other words every religion other than the jehovah`s witnesses.. but they have a special hatred of christendom and an even more pronounced hatred of the catholic religion.
Books or exercises to learn critical thinking
by Captain Obvious ini was sitting at the meeting this morning (yes, still keeping up appearances), listening to the speaker and trying to understand his lack of logic.
his talk was about education.
he seemed all over the place, not really making proper points.
Divorce: Are 'Worldly' People More Ethical?
by metatron indivorce is not, by nature, something pleasant or 'nice' in general.
that said, i do wonder if there is a trend in the world that transcends the "truth".. i can hardly read anything biographical these days without encountering someone who has gone thru an amicable divorce - at least, amicable in the outcome, anyway.
they may 'still be friends' and simply come to see it as another step in their personal evolution.
Lifeguard Lopez fired
by bobld inhe used common sense but was fired.why.
because the company he worked for.
said "you must follow our guidelines or be fired".