was reading zenpunk's thread about how it seems ex jw's go over the deep end and i tend to agree.
i think that is normal after being repressed for so long.. however, it would sure be nice if we had more than one chat room here.
i have visited the chat several times and it seems that usually (not always) it is about who was the drunkest, who had sex with someone, who is a lesbian, etc etc etc.
When I am in chat I have noticed that you don't say much and then log off.
Instead of requesting that Simon start another chat, why don't you just change the subject or start your own subject when you are in chat? It isn't that hard to do, you know.
as many people already know, using the term "the truth" to describe an organization's teachings is a brilliant way to constantly reaffirm it's validity subconsciously.
it's a great use of repetition to establish as fact that which is only opinion.. i keep hearing the phrase "the friends".
aside from the fact that i really don't like the terminology, i couldn't help but wonder if this isn't just another use of repetition and loaded language to enforce the belief that all of the people who share the same religion actually are your friends.. in some ways, i think it would be beneficial for some folks to drop "the truth" and "the friends" from their vocabulary so that they aren't continuing to immerse themselves in group-lingo that's intended to elicit certain emotional responses and associations.. what other loaded language can you come up with that is quasi-specific to jehovah's witnesses?
How about "this old system of things" or "the new order"? When I first left the borg, it helped me considerably to remove those phrases from my vocabulary.
Thank you for your suggestion. It is a good one. I am talking to my consultant about it. Perhaps he will give me some good advice on how to go about making the site easier to access.
jehovah's name, the very name associated with jehovah's witnesses is being disgraced, trampled upon as never before in the organization's history!!.
in the past jehovah's witnesses have been reproached for standing up in defense of jehovah and his word.
jehovah's name was sanctified at all costs and it appears from their history books that jehovah was making a good name for himself by means of their integrity.
What a powerful message. I hope that the JW's visiting this web site will be able to cast aside their rose-colored glasses and see the truth about the organization.
OrangeFatCat(love your ID), FriendlyFellaAL and Dutchie, thank you for reviewing my web site. And most of all, Thanks for the good reviews. You all are great!
I'm pretty excited because the premier of my travel magazine is now on line. I still have a few things to add to it such as the panoramic photos. Other than that, everything is up and running.
I welcome any suggestions that you have but please be gentle as this is my first time. Thank you. Here's the link:
eu has noticed that a number of persons making up this forum are guilty of showing disrespect to jehovah's witnesses.
some refer to jws as 'hovahs and others talk about kingdumb hells, all the time professing to follow christ.. some may justify their rude behavior by saying that jws themselves can be rude.
even if the charge is true, and eu is not really convinced that it is, why cannot ex-jws rise above the fray?