JoinedTopics Started by roykaye
Was Richard Nixon's chef a JW?
by roykaye inaround 30 years ago, an american visitor and his wife attended the meeting at the kingdom hall at mumbai, india.
i may have been in my early teens or younger so i don't remember much.
only that his name was bro hightower and he was president richard nixon's chef.
Bible reading without the WT filter
by watch the tower inyou know even though i think the wt doctrine is mostly all garbage now, i still do believe that the bible is inspired from our creator.
the flaw in my understanding of it in the past was because i was interpreting it through the filter of the wts.
recently i have started clean slate and read the bible without the wt filter (easier said than done, your mind has a way of reverting back to what was programmed in there).
Video Highlights from the Drama!
by CaptainSchmideo inwarning!
it helps to be under the influence to watch this stuff.
actually, it might enhance the experience to toke a little doob while watching.
Did you leave the Borg 'in search of truth' or 'freedom from rules'?
by BLISSISIGNORANCE inthis question is not to offend anyone, it's just that i have noticed people have many different reasons for leaving the borg and i thought it would be interesting to find out why some of you left.. for example:some leave because they want to be free to smoke, drink, gamble, fornicate, grow beards, celebrate xmas, take blood and drugs, etc.some leave because they never believed and now are old enough to do as they want.some leave because they have seen that they can be happy living life free from any religious organization, yet still feel safe in god's love.some have been hurt by the borg and have taken their wounds away to lick them, waiting to see justice.some have trusted the borg with their lives, time and money...........only to discover recently that there has been lies, cover-ups and hypocracy in the borg.
now they have left but need to belong to another organization to feel happy.. i left the borg because i found out about the cover-ups and lies.
my family was abused by it, my child was sexually abused and i was df'ed.
Are You Ashamed Of The Way That You Disciplined Your Child?
by minimus inmost articles in the publications recommended physical punishment, (corporal) when disciplining children.
the scripture says that "he will not die" if you beat him.
so many parents literally beat their children.
by Far North inmy last therapy session was all about the "truth".
after many sessions i finally brought up the thought that maybe some of my depression and low self-esteem issues have to do with spending 40 years in a high-control religion.. i won't bore you with all the details but some of the highlights of what i said bothers me are:.
my never feeling like i am doing enough or are good enough.. having regrets about missed opportunities and having let others control my life.. constant changing of doctrine and dates.
Jobs that the WTS doesn't approve of
by freedom96 inthere were several different careers that the wts did not aprove of.
such as a being a cop, for having a gun.
couldn't be a martial arts instructor.. maybe it was a well paying career.. did you have a job that was not approved of?
by minimus ini was raised with a bookbag in my hand.
every saturday and sunday our family was out in service.i vacation, temporary and auxillary and regular pioneered.
i never enjoyed it but did it because i was supposed to do it.
DFing: Where is thy sting?
by roykaye inhi ...i read that newsday report on bill bowen's dfing.
i was surprised that i was more amused by the antics of the "three wise men" than saddened by their action.
i think disfellowshipping has become to me like an excavated statue of molech.