Here are a few sources: The Biblical 70 Years: A Look at the exile and desolation periods -
Dating the Desolation -
i have never until a few days ago been able to reconcile the 70 year prophecy with the 587/6 bce date for jerusalems destruction.
although a post was about this in a previous thread by a@g , i would like to explore this more.. when the 70 years are applied to babylonian rule, rather than the jewish exile everything seems to make sense.. to ellaborate for those who haven't come across it, this is how 587/6 does match the 70 year prophecy.. i hope a@g doesn't mind but i have cut and paste his post:-.
the 587 date does match the bible.... (jeremiah 25:11) 11 and all this land must become a devastated place, an object of astonishment, and these nations will have to serve the king of babylon seventy years.".
Here are a few sources: The Biblical 70 Years: A Look at the exile and desolation periods -
Dating the Desolation -
"among believers who are catholic, nearly 80 percent surveyed believe other religions can lead to a right relationship with god.
more than 70 percent of orthodox christians agreed with the statement.. only among mormon and jehovah's witness believers did fewer than half of people surveyed agree that other religions can lead to eternal life.
thirty-nine percent of mormons surveyed agreed with that statement, and 16 percent of jehovah's witnesses agreed.
No manmadd religion leads to salvation. Only Jesus
in the appendix of the new "keep yourselves in god's love"-book i found the following statements regarding contact to ex-jw-family members:.
what if a relative is disfellowshipped?
in such a case, the close bond between family members can pose a real test of loyalty.
I was just wondering, if I go and get drunk by taking in too many spirirts and I do something stupid, can I tell the authorities that I was spirit directed?
Why not Donny? The Judge did it!
the watchtower used to print "souvenir" booklets to record the happenings at their assemblies and conventions.. then it became a "convention report".. these come up from time to time for auction on ebay.. but convention reports are not published anymore by the watchtower.
when did they stop?.
does anyone know the year the last convention report was published?.
Actually the Souvenir Reports were NEVER published by the Watchtower. The Society's first convention report published on their presses was around 1927. Prior to that all the early reports were published by Leslie Jones, an elder with the Chicago Bible Students, who later published the compilations of Russell's writings, "What Pastor Russell Said", "What Pastor Russell Wrote", "What Pastor Russell Taught", and "The Laodicean Messenger" (A bio on Russell's life). He later published the Souvenir Reunion Reports in 1927-30,
The Society began publishing the reports under the name "The Messenger", and then began publishing the reports as special issues of the Golden Age and Consolation. As Blondie mentioned, 1969 was the last report they published.
so what was it like at the beginning of jwd?
was it lonely?
how does it compare to now?
I was in from the beginning, as this forum was an offshoot of the old forum by Obed Hernandez. The forum was a new concept, members were still searching, trying to find themselves. most still believed and were searching for answers. That has all changed in my opinion, so much negativity, spirituality is out the door, not the same.
in the appendix of the new "keep yourselves in god's love"-book i found the following statements regarding contact to ex-jw-family members:.
what if a relative is disfellowshipped?
in such a case, the close bond between family members can pose a real test of loyalty.
... loyalty to Jehovah and his organization moves. them to uphold the Scriptural arrangement of disfellowshipping. Their loyal course has the best interests of the wrongdoer at heart and may help him to benefit from the discipline received
Of course if the faithful member has no more believing family, then the congregation is instructed to suck the blood out of the believer, financially, and never notifying the unbelieving family members, until every ounce is drained, then the Christian thing to do is to put said believer in a nursing home and instruct the unbelieving member of their relatives whereabouts!
i was part of the north texas quick build group for some five years and we seemed to be building a new hall about every six weeks.
i was also up at the denton (krum) assembly hall for most weekends in 1990 and 91 as the hall was being built.
how many of you joined these work groups just to get out of meeting attendance and field service?
I did several quick builds in the Bronx, NY and Atlantic City, NJ, and also helped with both constructions at the Stanley Theater. I wouldn'y say I did it to get out of meetings. But I was able to put those hours into "Field Service" time.
sorry if i seem a bit outta sorts, but +#'* me i have had a bad time these past months.
i honestly thought i was condemned to die (deep down i still think i am).
i left the borg about a year ago with my wife and family all intact (or so i thought).
Check out Dr. Jerry Bergman's book "Jehovah's Witnesses and Mental Health".
i've got access this week to all of their dvds ... including:.
young people ask - what will i do with my life?.
jehovah's witnesses - organised to share the good news.
Sounds good, I'd be interested!
my wt librery is going in the recycle bin a little at the time.what did you do with the wt books?
I kept all mine, since I'm a bit of a collector. Any doubles I have I've ebayed. Most of the booklets from the 1900s-1950s, I've scanned, and then ebayed the originals. The scans I've made available for free download on a website I have.
But even now, I've been ebaying a lot of items, as I'm not getting any younger and this stuff is just collecting dust.