Hey Finrot,
Welcome to the board
I get easily irritated as well whenever ANYONE spouts religious stuff; I know that everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I do try to live by that, but I spose I'm overly sensitive to anything that reminds me of being a JW.
I too lost my faith in god; if he/she even exists, the evidence points to a pretty sadistic personality. Least, that's my opinion . I haven't figured anything out as far as answers to any of the big questions like life after death, why, etc...I just don't know. But I'm okay with not knowing.
One thing in your post that I don't see the same way is the idea of spirituality. Spirituality and religion are two different things! I am totally anti-religious...completely! However, in my opinion 'spirituality' means simply being in touch and aware of the interconnectedness of life on this planet. It does not, for me, mean a belief in a deity or of heaven or any of that other biblical bulls**t we were force fed. And spirituality is different for each person; I find it in the faces of my sleeping children, the stars on a clear night, the susurration of the ocean, the smell in the air on the first cold day of fall, the smiles and the tears of my fellow humans, and most especially in the taste of that first sip of morning coffee! K, so maybe that last one isn't technically 'spiritual' but it's like paradise to me.
I'm glad that you're here finrot...there are some really great people and, as a 'nice guy with strong opinions', you should fit right in!