Esmerelda and Bill,
Thanks for the link and the information. Another typical response to a serious problem that can and should be dealt with by becoming a JW!!! Scuse me while I hurl! Two things stuck out big time: One was where they said no one should 'coax' a woman to leave her husband...and the other was where it said that a couple should review their problem together...JESUS CHRIST!!!! Like most batterers are going to calmly sit down and say after reading this magazine "oh yeah, honey...I see where I've been wrong"!!!! And believe me, if i had a friend or relative being abused by their partner, I'm not gonna coax them to leave, I'm gonna help em pack their bags!
Yeah, they paid lip service to a battered woman getting help...but implicit in this article was how much better it is to 'fix' the guy with, you guessed it! becoming a jw. As usual, NO REAL PRACTICAL HELP OR ADVICE GIVEN!!
Here are 16 warning signs of Domestic Violence from a local DV shelter:
1)A push for a quick relationship
2)Jealous and possessive
3)Tries to control your life
4)Unrealistic expectations
5)Isolates you from friends and family
6)Blames others for their problems and mistakes
7)Makes everyone else responsible for their feelings
8)Says their feelings are easily hurt
9)Cruel to animals and children
10)"Playful" use of force during sex
11)Yells and calls you names
12)Rigid sex roles
13)Sudden mood swings
14)History of battering
15)Threats of violence
16)Threatens to reveal personal or damaging information about you to your family or employer
Remember...any ONE of the above can be a warning sign of a potential abuser. Most physical abuse starts first with emotional and psychological abuse and THEN escalates. My heart goes out to any woman (or man) who find themselves in such a relationship. Contrary to what the article would like you to believe, abusers RARELY stop being abusive without serious professional help.
Sorry this is so long but it's a subject that is near to my heart. Thanks for letting me add my $1.00 worth.
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You