Hi ((((Expat)))),
I have also suffered these types of questions and wondered...what can I do?
You said:
And you know what? I give a bit more to charity than I did as a JW, but I still don't do anything to inconvenience my comfy life. So I suppose when I see images of those people suffering, it twinges my conscience.Realistically, what can I do that will have a true impact on the suffering of all these people around the world? Not much. But I can look around me, in my own little circle of influence, and perhaps there I can make a difference. With my children...with my friends...with all those I love. And widening that perspective..in my community...in the people whose lives I come into contact with only randomly. The homeless person on the street...what does it hurt me to give a bit of money to such a one? Maybe they aren't really hungry...but if they are, and I bring them a value meal from McDonalds, I've helped, even if it is only temporary. Is it better to avert my eyes as I pass by?
I think there are many small ways in which we can try to make the world a bit of a better place, if only we look for those opportunities. I'm not really a very good example as I don't do much that interferes with my comfy life, either. But I think as awareness grows, we find ways to help alleviate some suffering and there are so many different ways to suffer in this world! Just on this db, you have helped me and others in times of emotional pain. Please don't discount that.
And I agree with Joel, that we are all interconnected. There is a great native American poem called "The Web" or something similar...I haven't been able to find it (if anyone knows, please tell!) but it made such an impact on me when I read it. And that interconnectedness entails a certain amount of responsibility I think to our fellow lodgers on this planet, human and otherwise. Sorry if I'm rambling here...this is an issue that has stumped greater minds than mine for a very long time!
Welcome to freedom to think outside the box,