Topics Started by sleepy
What does your username mean?
by closer2fine ini was just wondering what everyone's username meant.
i have my own guesses (sixofnine, silentlambs, slayerlayer-i'm almost afraid :o), amazing-enough said!,mommy, fredhall-is that your name?, ozziepost-from downunder, and the list goes on!
please share!!
Is it right to get people out of the org?
by sleepy ini gather that most on this forum would agree that jehovah's witneeses do not have the truth they cliam to have.. but to what degree do we inform friends and relatives who are still belivers of this.. for many (assuming they come to the same conclution) it would come as a relief , but for others could it do more harm than good?.
for instance an elder in my hall recently died from cancer which he had suffered from for about a year.. what kept him going and happy through pain and suffering was the belief that he was in the true religion favored by god and would recieve a resurection.. imagine the heart break he would had suffered if people had convinced him that the society was a sham.. imagine others say like my parents who are in their 50's and have no pension who look forward to the future paradise.. would it be right for me to covince them that thier dreams for for future are all flawed.. i am still in my 20's and i'm not the type to get depreesed and all that, but i have to admit to being gutted when the truth dawned on me that all my hopeds and beliefs were likely wrong.. but can we be certain to such an absolute degree that all that witnesses belive is false?.
do we really have the right to preach with coviction to others that they are wrong, just like we preached when we belived?.
fuzzy logic
by sleepy ini read this statment from you know in relation to the islealits spending 215 or 430 years in eygpt,.
"the way to harmonise this seeming contradiction".
witnesses and others must wake up to this flawed style of reasoning.. if a witness notices a seeming contradiction in the bible or by the society the first thing they do is seek to harmonise it.. they do this by saying , the bible is true or the governing body is true, therfore the contradiction must be wrong and an explianation that can unite the contradiction must be right.. what they don't seem to want do is modify their inital premise , that the bible or gb is right,in the light of any new point that may contradict the first.. i feel it is wrong to draw a conclution on a point and to there after in life make everything fit into it, no matter which way you have to twist things for your world view to stay unified.
can anyone answer?
by NinjaBen ini know its a very popular question but wat is the real answer to "if god is so mighty can he make a rock so big even he cant lift it"
Why do you belive jw's are true religion?
by sleepy inlast sundays watchtower 1/6/01 pg 13 p4 ,under the subheading of " who today have gods backing?
" said "granted, true religion does make people better.
but does the fact that a religion produces better people in itself prove that it has god's backing?
Is Satan A MasterBaiter ?
by D wiltshire ina few years a go when rehearsing our circut assembbly parts before the co.. a brother had a part geared for the young ones and he used the scripture in the psalms that talks about deliverence from the bird catcher.
well he warn the young ones;"when it come to setting traps satan knows just what to use to lure people into the trap in fact when it comes to setting traps satan is a ([master-baiter])".. when he sat down next to me after he finished his talk i told him i learned something i never knew from his talk.
he asked me what was that?.
how longs a year?
by sleepy ini've seen a lot of talk on various sites about the gentile times belief of the witnesses.
one thing i haven't found any info on is how the society calculates the lenght of a year.. please let me explain.. the 7 times in daniel are suppossed to represent 7 years.. but for some reason these are special years as they are not a year at all but 360 they call this a prophetic year because of course it isn't a year.. now back in bible times no one knew how long a real year was which is the time it takes the earth to go round the sun ,so they had different ways to estimate a year , mostly nations including israel and babylon used lunar calanders ,they had about 354 days .so you ended up running behind real years so you needed lots of leap years to catch up.. this brings me to the next point.
the society says that after you change 7 times into 7 years of 360 days you most now change a day into a year.but of what lenght are those years?.
strange quote from creator book
by sleepy incouldn't help noticing this strange quote in the creator book last week.. on pg.
167 p 1 it says "one buddhist woman said: " i thought it did not make sense to have to suffer for something i was born with but about which i knew nothing.
i had to accept it as my destiny "she found this explanation of suffering unsatisfactory.
Challenges Facing us in the New System
by stevieb infrom time to time some of us may have wondered about the amount of work that we will have to do restoring the post-armageddon world into a paradise.
think of all that construction and all that clearing up!
how long is it going to take?.