I left the organization for good when I realized I did not believe in god. I considered myself still a believing JW until that moment. But I had been fading for a very long time before that moment.
I think I just lost confidence over time, though I did not want to believe that. But there were the occasional articles or statements that I still remember, because they left an impression. Like the time they compared Jehovah's ability to see the future to the muscles of a strong man. They wanted to explain how god didn't know that Adam and Eve would rebel, even though he could foretell the future. So they explained that this ability was like the muscles of a strong man. The man did not always use those muscles, but he was still powerful even if he was not using them.
The analogy is so weird that I remember it even now. It stood out as being strange and also wrong.
Then there was one of the many times that they were emphasizing obedience to the organization, and the example they used was of a couple who disagreed with the GB on a particular interpretation of doctrine. They wrote to the society and were told that, while the issue might be reconsidered in the future, the present understanding was the one to be followed. Well, they talked to others about their view and were eventually disfellowshipped for apostasy. Later, the organization adopted the same interpretation of the doctrine that this couple originally had.
The article specifically mentioned that the couple was not reinstated. Their crime was not that they were right or wrong. It was that they had disobeyed the GB and 'opposed' it. Thus, being right or wrong was less important than being obedient. That stuck with me. To this day, I don't understand how they get away with making this claim.