Good. As a former elder, I think this is a beautiful slap in the face for the self righteous and pompous twats I used to serve alongside who loved to put lots of good men off being appointed for many years. Now they are gradually being forced to comply. I wonder how many elder bodies will initially resist this change until the Governing Body takes the appointment process power completely away from them and place it solely on the circuit overseer? That's my speculation as to the next organizational change to force more jws to OBEY at all costs.
Edit - Some ridiculous reasons the body I served with put men off being either ms or elder: ties were too colourful, the wife (attractive woman) was "overly modest" (in other words, we want to see her curves to see her as a woman and mother), only been married for 2 years (a big wtf moment for me). Another man was put off for appointment simply because he kept telling us he was doing everything he could for the congregation and was begging to know why he wasn't being appointed as an elder (it was sad, there was nothing spiritully wrong with the man, some others on the body just didn't like his personality and used everything and anything against him behind his back).
Another man was put off for appointment as a ms because he used golfing as a hobby (can't let him avoid putting the Kingdom first), then when he changed his lifestyle and started going to the gym, the Body authorised me and another elders to counsel him as "bodily training is only beneficial for a little" LOL.
I have more which I will eventually share.