Hmmmm, do I answer this one or not?
::: tossing coin into air :::
Okay, most of it I won't bother to refute, as I have before, several times, and either got stomped on, or ignored. Most of you seem to think Mormons and JWs are cut from the same cloth. They are not, but if you prefer to think they are, have it your way. I AM Mormon, and I have JW family members whom I dearly love, so I know first-hand many of the differences between us and them, and they are legion.
One big, BIG, HUGE difference is that we DO NOT SHUN. We do not shun the young missionaries who do not complete their missions. No matter why they came home, they are not shunned. We do not shun the ones who are caught in transgression or who come forward in transgression. We do not shun those who choose to no longer be associated with us for whatever reason. We do not shun those who slam the door in our faces when we take plates of Christmas cookies we baked and decorated ourselves. WE DO NOT SHUN.
I really don't care how many people have told you they THINK we do, or that they KNOW we do because some friend of a friend of a third cousin said she once heard from her neighbor of someone being shunned by us. It's simply not true. People may choose to leave us, and that is their right. The door is always right where you left it when you came in, so you are free to go out the same way, and good luck and God bless, we wish you every happiness and if we can ever be of assistance, please don't hesitate to call. (We love being called to help them, actually.)
As for control in a JW fashion...get real! It is night and day different. I can attend any worship service I choose, at any church I choose, and even participate in the service if I wish to do so. And I have, and will continue to do so. I can choose my own political party and candidate and publicly support them. I can have the local polling place be my own home (and I have). I can go nose to nose with my Bishop (we are actually the same height as he is short) and tell him EXACTLY what I think of whatever I care to tell him about, and he will listen with respect even if he disagrees with me. And then we will part friends, and still on good terms with each other.
I am free to say, "No, I won't accept that calling, assignment, or responsibility at this time." (no excuse needed) and still remain a member in good standing. I can fall down on the job of whatever calling, assignment or responsibility I have already accepted, and not be shamed for my lack of due dilligence. I can choose my career, my education, the number of children I have or don't have, how I come by those children (born to me, stepchildren, adopted or foster), the kind of car I drive, the kind of house I live in, etc. Free agency is paramount to Mormons.
I refuse at all times to make a "show" of my faithfulness. I don't spend a lot of time making sure never to "stumble" anyone or make any mis-step. I call a spade a spade and often tend to offend member and nonmember alike. I live my life my way and if anybody doesn't like it, they are more than welcome not to look! I won't waste time and effort "giving a good witness" through doing whatever silly thing someone decides will make non-members look at me, my home, my car, my family, or my dog with great admiration and thereby decide to become part of my religion so they, too, can put on such a "show" of their religion. Anybody who joins a religion because of someone's "show" deserves exactly what they get.
How many of my JW family members can do these things without suffering serious consequences?
No, we do not "collect" 10% tithing. Nobody knocks on your door or stops you in the hall to demand it. Nobody says, "Brother, can you tell me how you managed to (buy this item, go on this vacation, have a nose job, send a child to college, fill in the blank) and yet you haven't paid tithing so far this year?" NOBODY. Tithing is a private thing between the member and God. At the end of the year, IF WE CHOOSE TO DO SO, we may meet with the Bishop and go over with him what we did with regard to that principle, whether it is full tithing, partial tithing, or no tithing, If we choose not to have such a meeting, we don't.
Nobody knows who pays and who doesn't, nor how much.
So, please, please, PLEASE don't paint Mormons with the same broad brush as you do JWs. That sort of unfair comparison does nobody any justice.
And with that, let me wish you all a most Happy New Year!
Susan of the Outspoken Mormon Class