Your post was definately an attention getter with all that "shouting." hehehe
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6
people have had questions in recent threads about christianity, and how judgemental it is, etc.
read "mere christianity" by c.s.
lewis, it's a beautiful book, although a bit dry(it's also 60 years old, so don't come back to me yelling if you think his views are out of date).
Your post was definately an attention getter with all that "shouting." hehehe
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6
that i've been thinking about lately.. since jesus was a perfect man, how can anyone realistically be expected to follow in his shoes?
why use him as an example of standing up to tests and remaining faithful?
we are, after all, imperfect humans.. c.t.
that I've been thinking about lately.
Since Jesus was a PERFECT man, how can anyone realistically be expected to follow in his shoes? Why use him as an example of standing up to tests and remaining faithful? We are, after all, IMPERFECT humans.
C.T. Russell consulted other religions to help him find the "truth." Why are the r&f forbidden to follow in their founder's footsteps?
In leafing through the Proclaimers book last night, I noticed that all references made of someone remaining loyal is worded that they remained loyal to the organization, not specifically to God. What's wrong with that picture? And why do these, "faithful" witnesses not see it?
Jeremiah 10:23 says the way of humans is not in their control, they cannot direct their steps. Then why are the r&f to put all their faith in the GB, a group of imperfect human men?
I came upon all this last night during about 3 minutes of reading. Now tell me that the WTS does not brainwash their "followers." It is plain to see that the WTS is encouraging them to put their faith in trust in man, not God.
I don't know if all this has been brought up before but it's just a few things that I started thinking about last night.
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6 longer feeling the dread of being approved by man (wtbts), only jesus.... (keep it going!
...being free to think for myself and question everything to find real truth.
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6
because the help line is manned by only one person, marylin suggests calling the un directly because she is being inundated by phone calls from both active and inactive witnesses looking for answers that she cannot provide.. please call the un directly with any questions about this topic.. thank you..
Since coming to this site, I have decided to do some investigating of my own.....only I have no WTS publications in my home, not even a NWT Bible! Thank the lord for libraries!
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6
i'm new to this site and inactive(so far).
i have been glued to this site for the last few days.
my b/friend says i'm obsessed.
I am sorry for your bad experiences as a JW. It takes time to heal. For some it doesn't take long, for others it can take years. But the scars are always there. I myself have recently started doubting my decision to leave the organization. I know that I did the right thing. That I don't deserve that kind of treatment (they just know how to kick a woman to get the down, then they keep them down). But still it creeps in. So, I've decided to research the WTS's teachings, outside of their publications. And the more I read with an open mind, the more I can see how the Society have blinded their "followers." And the more I am glad that I got out. It takes a little work to strengthen your resolve to stay out, just as it does to stay in. Only, as being an XJW, you have the freedom to see for yourself, to open your eyes to real truth.
I wish you luck. I have found many comforting souls here on the board and I'm sure they will also be here for you when you need it most (instead of turning away and saying you're "weak" for needing help).
Much Love,
"Life's a journey, not a destination."
you are harming loyal jw.
i have been taken a closer look at many of the posters here on this board.
most of you are very critic about the jw and special about doctrines.
Shame on us? Shame on the GB for lying to the r&f and using mind control and fear to keep them "in the sheep fold." If they're faith is so strong, then these facts won't bother them or undermine their faith. If what the GB says is so true and right, then our facts won't affect the loyal JW's.
KSJordan ~ beroea is just trying to get in her/his time's all about the time.
neyank ~ *applause applause*
Pureheart ~ you can gain a real relationship with God by not following an organization that uses deciete to control their members.
"Life's a journey, not a destination."
can anyone give me any latest info on how df or da persons are to be treated.. this is urgent.. thanks
I know that I DA'd myself a year and half ago and my own mother has been told by the elders that she is to have NO contact with me whatsoever. Even minimal non-spiritual association has been ruled out.
Don't have any quotes for ya as of yet though, on the WTS's current stand on such matters. The elders in my congregation kinda did their own thing, no matter what the Society said.
"Life's a journey, not a destination."
hopefully this topic won't shock anyone, i'll try to keep my comments as tasteful as possible.
just recently (last weekend) my younger brother met with the elders because he was engaged in fornication.
the elders decided to disfellowship him even though he had long stopped having any contact with the person he had been involved with.
We, as humans, were created with strong sexual desires. I believe that we should not be punished for that. If sex is so wrong, then why did God create us with it? If it's only for procreation purposes, why he did he not create us like the animals? Why did he make sex so enjoyable if we are not suppose to enjoy it? The WTS does force their r&f to marry too young and unprepared because of sex. And then, they try to dictate what kind of sex after you're married. I feel that what goes on in the bedroom is a personal private matter and no one should step in and say "you can't touch there, you can't can't that....." It is wrong. If I want to try different things, rather than just lying there with a sweaty man on top of me, then it's my right. Yes, my right. No one else needs know what I'm doing at night (or god forbid we do it during the daylight hours in the kitchen!!!). I can speak from some personal experience on this.....I won't get too "personal" though....for fear of gagging some people. But my DH and I married, so we could get to know each other and for sex. Well, we are a horrible match but are trudging through it. I go without a lot of the physical and sexual attention that I feel I need or desire. While my DH, on the other hand, gets all he wants and more. I mean, I do some stuff that I feel is down right freaky and have just recently cut off all .........(won't type it)......... untill he decides to finally give in and sacrifice and give me what I want. Ok TMI, but...... I am in a silly mood today.
My thoughts on homosexual behavior is this: I think some may choose that way of life. Maybe because of bad experiences with members of the opposite sex. But I do feel that some are "born that way." Meaning, maybe there is a chemical inbalance in their brain. The same as someone who has ADHD, etc. It is something that they cannot control and shouldn't be punished for it.
These are my thoughts at the present time. I may change my mind some day....who knows! Enlightenment is a slow process and can be slightly confusing at first. But this is how I feel at this time. I applaud nearly (Frightmare) everyone on their comments. Well said.
Shelly (yes I actually put my real name for a change!)
"Life's a journey, not a destination."
this subject has always been a sticking point for me.
never really understood it enough to agree or disagree with it.
i for one have been married twice... once "in" and once "out".
I can tell you a little about my current position in my marraige. My DH is a "Christian". He doesn't go to a church because all they preach is tithing. I myself am exploring religious possiblities right now. You can say my religion is "confused". Now, I'm not even sure about the existence of an all powerful God. I haven't said anything about how I feel untill recently and it seems to really tick my DH off. He says I should'nt think or say such things. That what I'm feeling is wrong. He doesn't know so I just ignore him.
So marrying someone with similar religious beliefs as your is easier then marrying the complete opposite. Same with politics.
first off, i apologize if this subject has been hashed out before or even lately...i haven't noticed it if it has, but i need to ask it now, as it affects my family as i'm sure it does now, or has in the past, affected many of you here.. i have a daughter who is a very active jw, and a very typical one.
if the wts says it, it has to be so...or if she doesn't down deep agree with it, then god will eventually fix it, but for the time being she is supposed to go along with it....etc.
etc.. this is how she feels about df'ing, da'ing and the resulting shunning..even of a close family member, like her brother whom she adores.
When I was df'd I wanted reinstated to be able to associate with my mom. I was pregnant with my first child and quite lost about the whole pregnancy. Once reinstated, I knew it was't because of my rependant attitude and love for God. It was for my mother. But now that I've been da'd for over a year and have no association with my mother, really. And I don't mind. Actually, it more of a relief to me to have her not be able to associate with me. She views me as dead and right now, I am fine with that. Sad sounding, yes. But if you were in my shoes for the last 23 years, you would understand better. there are times when I miss my mother's company. But then I remember how she was always controlling and the things she would do and say to me and it eases the pain and I start to feel content again. The one thing that I do miss is getting to know my youngest sister. She is now 9 years old and I have no clue who she is, what she likes, etc. I have not seen her since she about here, 5 years later, she is quite the grown up girl now. So I do miss being there to watch her grow up. While I feel sadened for her, because she has no choices in life and is forced to grow up and live in that mind controling cult.