What about people who was under the legal adult age? I was 17 when gotten baptised. I know that there was a lot younger. I know that a legal contract is void when a miner sighns it. And many of those young people are forced into baptism by their parents or other relatives. For example my husband was told to get bapitsed or he would be kicked out by his dad.
JoinedPosts by Tammie
Class Action Lawsuit
by mikepence ini am seriously considering finding out what is involved in putting together a lawsuit against the wts.
one that all xjw's in the us can join in.. has the wts not violated our civil rights, taken away our right to choose, without bias, how to live our lives?
were not our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness violated?
Boring Meetings are Intentional, Folks!
by metatron inlong, boring, repetitive meetings are intentional.
an accident.
ever experiment with autohypnosis or autosuggestion?
That worked on me, until I left home. Then when I did go to the meetings I would konk out. Wake up so refreshed. he he. So then I got to thinking why bother. Then I stayed home and slept (Sunday mornings), I slepted even better, at least there was noone trying to wake my up.
Funniest (Yes another one) names at Kingdom hall
by sleepy inwhats the funniest names you've come across at the kingdom hall?.
once i went to a hall were it was anonced that the seal's were away on holiday .in the closing prayer they prayed for brother pig.. i thought we were in a zoo.
I don't know if this is a funny name. But the story that happen was funny. Was at a kingdom hall building project. There was 2 brothers talking. One was an older white man, his name was Young, and the other man his name was Blackman.
Brother Young asked, "What is your name?"
In reply the other man said, "I'm Blackman."
Young said, "I did not ask your skin color, I asked for your name." Blackman replied, "That is my name." -
Why Algebra is not for Christians
by metatron inwhile there are many popular customs in the world.
that appear innocent, mature christians always put.
jehovah's view of matters first in their lives.. in recent times, it has been reported that some.
So anything that keeps a christian awake at night is EVIL, EVIL, EVIL... eeeewwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeee. lol. It's from the Devil. I guess they better stop having those babies. You sure don't get any sleep when the wee one comes along. Baby goes to sleep, but when mama tries to lay down, its like they are alerted to when she tries. And to make matters worse, waite till they get older---worry worry worry. And then your back to that no sleeping bit. (Please don't take this seriously, it is almost 3:30 am, I get a bit ditzy when it is this late.
I know I'm corny he he
Your mother wears combat boots
by Tammie ini hope i'm not aging myself with this one.
how many remember this insult--------- your mother wears combat boot.
yea, and she'll kick your butt.
I hope I'm not aging myself with this one. How many remember this insult--------- Your mother wears combat boot. Yea, and she'll kick your butt. (grin) ;)
Past assemblies
by Tammie inback about 12 years give or take a couple of years.
in the congeration that i was in there was this family.
dad was a minsteral servant, and mom was an auxleary pioneer.
Back about 12 years give or take a couple of years. In the congeration that I was in there was this family. Dad was a minsteral servant, and mom was an auxleary pioneer. They had a child. This child was very very hiper. Infact he was so much they ended up putting him on medication. At the time he had one true love, and that was drawing pictures. But I think most 4 or 5 years love to draw. So I learned to bring pleanty of note book paper and pencles, because I never knew when I would get the "privledge" of working in the same car group as this child. Any how, one day when the circuit overseer was visiting my congeration. He ended up working with this family and their child. This day they was doing the door to door work. And he choose to go to this door with this child and no other adult. A house holder came to the door, and the CO was trying to give his presentation. Well it ended up that the child went nuts, knocked over a vase and broke it. They (expecially the parents) tried to warn this elders. A little while later, we had an assembley. You would not believe this, but that CO ended up humilating the parents of that child. He told of the congeration that they went to, and what their unruly child did. The poor parents was so humilated. I felt for them, because I knew what they went through. And yes, they did punish their child when needed.
My mother in law
by Tammie inmy husband and i was talking today about some things that was said receintly.
about a month before my husband and i dissocated ourselves, he called and talked with his mom.
by this point she knew that i was doing research on the faulty teachings of the jw's.
My husband and I was talking today about some things that was said receintly. About a month before my husband and I dissocated ourselves, he called and talked with his mom. By this point she knew that I was doing research on the faulty teachings of the JW's. I was making sure I was doing the right thing. Before I just took people's word for it, and never checked it out for myself. (That was why I mistakenly gotten baptised. I took my mom's word, instead of checking it out.) Any way, you should have heard what she told her son (my husband).
"Please stop your research, the only thing you are going to accomplish is pulling our (her)family apart."Now mind you, when I was checking out every thing, I was double checking everything with the Watchtower's information. Nothing was added, or taken away to what I found, and learned.
When I later thought about what she told my husband, then I could only come to ONE conclusion. And that was she knows that there are false hoods (I like to use the word-LIE!!) to that orgization, but she CHOOESES to inorge them.
Reciently my husband sent her a letter telling her that if she chooses to shun him and I, then she will be shunning her grand children. But we left the door open, that if she wants to visit at our home, then she is welcomed to. But she can not take the children off with out us around. I am hoping and praying that she will actually see with her own eyes what my husband and I have already seen. One thing you must also know about my mother in law, is that she never checked things out for herself either. She just followed blindly, her husband into that religion. And that she never really checked things out for herself. -
FARTING at the meetings
by gambler ini'm sure you all have some good comical stories of pple farting during prayer or other quiet times during meeting.
as a personal experience of mine, the night before i had eaten a frozen pizza, doritos, and some old chocolate milk.
this combination produced the worst smelling brew i have ever had.
yrs2long, I sure hope I don't smelling any thing that like that.
FARTING at the meetings
by gambler ini'm sure you all have some good comical stories of pple farting during prayer or other quiet times during meeting.
as a personal experience of mine, the night before i had eaten a frozen pizza, doritos, and some old chocolate milk.
this combination produced the worst smelling brew i have ever had.
Zev had said the best stinkers come from beer and beans. Well yes that is bad, but add jalapeno peppers with that. NOW THAT IS A STINKER. When it comes to my husband, I pretty well figgure that he can give any one a run for their money when it comes to the most smelliest farts. I will tell of 2 episodes.
The first time he farted around me, was the day after we got married. We was both in the car, with the AC on. This was one of those silent ones. But man the odor was so strong, I about puked. Trapped in a car. So all I could do was to roll down the window. I guess that was when the honey moon was over for us. The second time my husband ate beans, jalapeno peppers, and washed it down for beer. I was also about 2 months pregnate at the time. I went to bed and he followed me. We both went to bed. I about dozed off when a HORRIBLE ODOR hit me. God it was my husband. It was very very bad. He refused to go to the couch, so I did. About 4 hours later, thinking it was safe I went back to the bedroom. But he stink it up so bad, I had to leave. I swear it took a couple of days for that odor to eventually leave. That was the last time I ever allowed him to eat that combination ever again.