I wonder how the WTBTS is dealing with the stock market dropping?
Edited by - Tammie on 22 July 2002 16:15:13
i wonder how the wtbts is dealing with the stock market dropping?edited by - tammie on 22 july 2002 16:15:13.
I wonder how the WTBTS is dealing with the stock market dropping?
Edited by - Tammie on 22 July 2002 16:15:13
according to revelation 20:10 the devil will be tormented day and night forever and ever along with the "false prophet".
i asked several jw's about this and the reply was "we don't take it like that" or "it doesn't literally mean that".
wether or not there is a hell it sure seams they are missing or ignoring something.
HELL WILL BE ANY PLACE THAT THE WATCHTOWER IS AT. Heck that was why I got the HELL outta there.
Edited by - Tammie on 19 July 2002 22:51:20
in britian every city has its own accent and local words that people use.. if you worked a council estate in cardiff you were joe-va's witnesses.. a reply on the ministry could be "you joe-vah's witnesses is it?.
i remmember working in shefield and people would call each other "ducky".
what were witnesses called where you live?
It's been a while. But in Wisconsin they said J-Hova. At least that was the way it sounded to me. By the way at the time I was just a little country bumpin from Texas. So they sounded like a foren speaking folks to me.
Edited by - Tammie on 20 July 2002 0:37:20
this came in my e-mail today.
rep. istook's proposed amendment was introduced in the house of representatives.
81, the first amendment restoration act.
This came in my e-mail today.
June 28, 2002
Dear Fellow American,
We need you to forward this e-mail to EVERYONE YOU KNOW right away!
As you've surely heard by now, a radical left-wing federal appeals court ruled
on Wednesday that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools is
unconstitutional... because it includes the words, "under God"!
The San Francisco court ruled that the phrase amounts to a government
endorsement of religion in violation of the Constitution's Establishment Clause,
which prohibits the government from establishing religion.
THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS... but we CAN do something about it!
Rep. Ernest Istook (R-OK) has introduced the Religious Freedom Restoration
Amendment (H.J. RES. 81), to amend the Constitution of the United States to
allow expressions of religious freedom on public property... including the right
to say the Pledge of Allegiance. In fact, if this amendment had already been in
place, that appeals court wouldn't have even had the opportunity to make such a
decision, one that President Bush immediately called "ridiculous". CLICK BELOW
NOW to send a message to your Congressmen, urging them to support H.J. RES. 81:
<a href="http://www.conservativealerts.com/062702.htm">AOL users click here</a>
Istook has stated that that this new ruling is just another reason Congress
should approve his amendment, because it protects the Pledge of Allegiance as
well as protecting voluntary student prayer.
"I'm appalled, but not surprised," said Istook. "The First Amendment was
designed to protect religious freedom, but wayward judges like these misuse it
to attack religion. Bit-by-bit, the ACLU and its sympathizers are winning their
36-year fight against America's religious freedoms and religious heritage. Only
a constitutional amendment, such as I've proposed, will stop them."
"Sure, some people are intolerant," Istook noted; "they object to hearing God
mentioned at a school or public place, but that doesn't give them the right to
censor the rest of us. This ruling shows just how out-of-touch too many judges
are, and how they've turned common-sense upside-down. Don't mandate prayer or
religious messages, but for heaven's sake don't ban them either!"
Rep. Istook's proposed amendment was introduced in the House of Representatives
back in January... but it hasn't even been introduced in the Senate yet! NOW is
the time to get the House AND the Senate to MOVE on this bill, and YOU can get
them moving!
ConservativeAlerts.com has set up a website where you can send a pre-written
message (that you can modify) IMMEDIATELY to your Congressmen, urging them to
support H.J. RES. 81, the First Amendment Restoration Act. You can send an
e-mail for FREE, print out your letter and fax or mail it in, or even send an
inexpensive "Extra Impact" HAND DELIVERY letter -- CLICK BELOW NOW:
<a href="http://www.conservativealerts.com/062702.htm">AOL users click here</a>
NOTE: Be sure to forward this e-mail to EVERYONE YOU KNOW right away -- this
proposed amendment still hasn't been introduced in the Senate yet, so we need to
act FAST, with LOTS of people demanding action against this radical leftist
court ruling NOW. Thank you!
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i personally have never liked this person, but i came across an article on the net.
figgure i'd share it with the rest.. www.allmusicguide.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=a4zkzu3e0anok.
billed as prince's most controversial album at least by his press agency and label upon its release in the fall of 2001, the rainbow children was arguably his most curious album to date, which isn't necessarily the same thing as controversial.
I personally have never liked this person, but I came across an article on the net. Figgure I'd share it with the rest.
Billed as Prince's most controversial album at least by his press agency and label upon its release in the fall of 2001, The Rainbow Children was arguably his most curious album to date, which isn't necessarily the same thing as controversial. It could have been controversial, that's for sure, given thatit follows his conversion to the Jehovah's Witnesses and that it trumpets his faith, over the most elastic, jazziest backing music he's made. If Prince hadn't marginalized himself through his record company battles, multi-disc sets, and botched superstar comebacks, this could have been genuinely controversial, since people would be paying attention to what he's doing. As of 2001, nobody outside of the diehards those who sign up for the Paisley Park subscription service and those that will seek out an album like The Rainbow Children, which was initially only available through the Internet was really paying enough attention to listen to this record, since they were the only ones to sit through the cascade of arcania he turned out after his liberation from Warner. Since they're so deeply immersed in this work, they would realize that musically The Rainbow Children is his most cohesive set since The Gold Experience, and the only one to really push past his traditional limits since then (which, admittedly, is still much more imaginative). And, you know, that's really too bad, because as a musical experience, this is pretty rich, demonstrating not just that Prince knows no borders, but that his music effortlessly mutates within the course of one song, perhaps drawing from his standard book of tricks jazz fusion, smooth soul, lite psychedelia, hard rock, and funk general weirdness but always sounding unpredictable and rewarding. It's too bad, then, that the very thing that inspired the album for its creator is what will turn off even those diehardsthat stuck with him this long, seeking out this album namely, its religious views. It's not that Prince has become a Jehovah's Witness any objective listener really wouldn't care but it's that his message doesn't support the music and doesn't fit with the sounds or the approach; it's hard to shut it out, not just because the words are so prominent, but because they're delivered in so many different voices (most distracting of all, the electronically altered basso profundo voice last heard on the decidedly secular "Bob George"), often in short, two-minute songs. This becomes a little overwhelming about halfway through, when the opera comes in on "Wedding Feast," reminding us that this is indeed a concept album, then delving into three eight-minute jams to conclude the record. It all winds up as a bit much, but it doesn't erase the musical facts: this is Prince at his most focused and rewarding in a long time, since Emancipation really. Too bad nobody outside of the diehards cares at this point. Stephen Thomas Erlewine
i got this in my e-mail from a friend.
passing along the information to you all.
please pass this to everyone in your address book.
Thanks for letting me know. Now I am going to have to give my friend a very hard time for that stunt. I really don't like it when people pull my leg when it involves children. My eldest went missing for about 20 minutes when he was about 2 years old. Talking about a frantict feeling. Actually I don't know if she knew it was a hoax or not. But I will pass the info on to her, what you showed me. And again thank you. I did not know.
i got this in my e-mail from a friend.
passing along the information to you all.
please pass this to everyone in your address book.
I got this in my e-mail from a friend. Passing along the information to you all.
Please pass this to everyone in your address book.
To All:
We have a store manager from Longs, S C who has a9 year old daughter that has been
missing for 2 weeks. Keep the picture moving on. With luck on her
side she will be found. - Peggy I am asking you all, begging you to please, forward this email
onto anyone and everyone you know, PLEASE. My 9 year old girl,
Penny Brown, is missing. She has been missing for now two weeks.
It is still not too late. Please help us. If anyone anywhere
knows anything, sees anything, please contact me at
mailto:[email protected]I am including a picture of her.
All prayers are appreciated!! It only takes 2 seconds to forward
this on, if it was your child, you would want all the help you
could get.
Thank you for your kindness, hopefully you can help us.
Edited by - Tammie on 27 June 2002 17:35:1
don't be overly frightened.
remember, they're just as afraid of you as you are of them..
Has any one seen Joe's Apartment?
Well I think that is the name of the movie. It has lots of those little bugs.
okay.. not jw-related.. monday.. slow day.. but, i saw this a few minutes ago, after hearing someone.
mention it last nite on radio when i was in the throes .
of my insominianity.... i've experimented with origami, or the art of paper folding,.
One other thing, after you have folded the $20 bill, look at the back side. You will also see where the pentigon was hit. There were 20 hijackers that day (19 was killed), and if you unfold the $20 bill you will see the other building that the terriorist was going after. But was not hit (the white house), and above the white house it says "In God we trust."
there are times when ilook back fondly on my days in the witnesses, especially when i think on the congregation get togethers we would have every once in awhile (not too often) people from our hall and sometimes others would show up (not too many) and good times were had by all.
this is how the schedule usually went.. 8pm: arrive at the community centre.
8:05pm: scope the room.
I miss taking my 1974 Monti Carlo out in field service. It had no air conditioning. Driving down the durt roads at 90 miles per hour. And listening to "You give love a bad name" or "Armageddonit". And well any of those songs that was popular back in the late 80's or was it the early 90's. Lets just say I was not asked to drive very much after that. he he he. Yea I know I could have been killed, but I'm still here.
I miss the slumber parties I had with my friends. I remember this one movie we was going to watch was vamp movie with Keather Sutherland. That was until lighting struck the house.
I miss making out with my future husband on the staires at the hotel, during the distric convention. Oh yes, can not forget making out with him in the car. Yea I even got caught. And yes she did try to go to the elders about it. But I was done married, and dared her to. I did not care. I got my man. Well I don't really miss that. ha ha ha ha ha Just plesant memories.
I miss on trying to pull the wool over my mom's eyes. Especially after I started dating. Really worked, because I acted dumb when it came to the guys. I also missed checking out the hunks who was doing the same thing. I miss, embarrasing the brothers by wearing a dress with a low cut top. I really miss being able to fit in that dress. I miss being a size 12/14. That I miss the most. Oh well, my babies are worth it, I guess.