How about the fact of the Law of diminishing returns.
It is the same problem of MLM. As more people preach and then join, there is more people preaching and fewer people to preach to and less territory. That is the problem with Multi Level Marketing. When the congregations grow, they split and the territories split and less to preach to. Soon people can only take out a street or a block. How to pioneers get their hours in when there is no territory to work?
wallsofjericho above wrote "1935 closing of the call - gone"
I don't know why people believed that Rutherford's declaration that the great crowd of Rev 7 being the ones not anointed at that time, means that the anointing stopped except for replacements. That was not taught in the literature. What was taught was the general or mass anointing stopped.
Steve2 said: My mantra has often been, the Watchtower's biggest enemy is not apostasy but apathy."
And the economy. That is what is shutting things down. I love it when the economy goes bad and gas prices go up. Pioneers get hit and people out of work means less donations and attendance.