The seven times put upon the throne of Jehovah ended in 1914, 2520 years after it started in 607. Thus when the kings in the line of David lost their sovereignty, then there was a pause for 7 times, then the only real king who was destined to rule, took power.
JoinedPosts by Rattigan350
For All Jehovah's Witnesses: When did Jesus begin ruling as King?
by Darth Rutherford into all jehovah's witnesses, here is an easy question you can answer... when did jesus begin ruling as king?.
watch tower answers:.
following his resurrection, jesus ascended to heaven and waited at gods right hand until 1914 to begin ruling as king.
Pastor Rick Warren's son commits suicide
by StoneWall inhere's a link but there is already many newscast carrying the story.. .
edited to add: for any that don't know rick warren here's a quick copy and paste from that news article.
They say it is mental illness. But why does it always have to lead to destruction?
I say it is because he believed he was going to heaven. Why not die and speed up the process?
False religion destroys.
Or maybe he was secretly gay and couldn't deal with his dad as pastor.
Do WT Bible NWT pick and choose word meanings to suit their agenda?
by *lost* incan anyone offer thoughts on this.
any examples.
i just discovered this.. nwt v kjb isaaiah 14;12. kjv - uses lucifer.
The NWT is the most accurate translation and the translators did not have an agenda other than that.
The critics only don't like how their precious trinity is not being promoted by it. Well, too bad.
It is not promoted by the NWT because it is not true.
Lucifer is not the proper translation of that and you should do research into that.
Moses and his God directed mass genocide.
by AMO inwas wondering what modern day christians take is on the slaughter of hundreds of thousands perhaps millons, on his god directed journey to the promised land.???.
My take? I don't see the problem with it. They all would be dead by now anyway, so what is the difference?
IF they had not died, they would have multiplied and the population would be so much more today.
That change in history would have a great effect today.
Why Is Stealing From Local Municipalities Not A Sin To JWs? Construction For Example?
by ÁrbolesdeArabia inwhen i begin to think about jehovah's witnesses and stealing from cesar my mind begin's to spin.
last year while walking through a very popular elder's house he showed me how he had doubled the house from the original blue print plans.. .
the inspectors of the county are incompetent or received a bribe, how can you add 1500 sq ft without the building inspector catching the error?
OP, How do you get stealing from "doubled the house from the original blue print plans."?
And there is no such thing as stealing from the government as they don't have the right to anything anyway.
The government steals from everyone by demanding tax when they don't earn it.
The government is politicians who are liars and thieves.
But I am frustated about how my wife, who is a pioneer, does not work, but will run up the credit card with her pioneer friends
and gas and do other congregation things.
Were You A Sneaky Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus inyou know, the type that looked like a model witness but at home you were not the best example o your family?.
or maybe you accepted from the faithful slave that oral sex was bad, but you did it secretly---same with masturbation.. or perhaps you put in some wonderful hours and placements on that report slip, knowing you might have exaggerated just a bit.. so, were you one who practiced what you preached?.
I never broke the rules because I never believed there were rules to break.
Logical Fallacies in WT Publications
by Oubliette in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:documentproperties> <o:revision>0</o:revision> <o:totaltime>0</o:totaltime> <o:pages>1</o:pages> <o:words>858</o:words> <o:characters>4892</o:characters> <o:company>oak park</o:company> <o:lines>40</o:lines> <o:paragraphs>11</o:paragraphs> <o:characterswithspaces>5739</o:characterswithspaces> <o:version>14.0</o:version> </o:documentproperties> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><!
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why do people keep writing "marked" or "marking" in threads?
Is it like a marking talk?
How exactly did Jesus fulfill the law NOT the prophecies.
by mP intheres a clear difference between prophecies (predictions of future events) and laws(stuff you should and shouldnt do).. now since xians always says jesus fullfilled the law, how does one fullfill a bunch of requirements like dont murder, dont worship idols, shave your beard like this etc.. there are 613 laws in the torah, jewish rabbis have done all the hard work and we have a nice list on wiki..
im confused which of those some how select a unique individual to be the unique messiah ?
then again there were many messiahs, every king and priest of israel and judea was a messiah.
" Jesus is never mentioned by name or title(son of god, messiah etc). Why didnt Moses simply write Jesus son of God here ? The answer is of course Jesus is a new made up invention that only appears in the NT, there is no Jesus in the OT. If you dont blieve me ask any Rabbi."
Think about it. If Moses had said that the person would be named Jesus and gave more specifics, then everyone would name their kids Jesus and arrange the specifics.
Yes, that was how to identify false prophets in that many would claim to be the messiah and how to find the real one and what to do with him.
But the issue and problem never is who Jesus was just as it is not about whether God created everything. The issues is what Jesus and God will do in the future and when.
C.O. Reports: JWs/WTS "Reach Critical Mass...
by BitterTruth injehovah's witnesses/wts have reached "critical mass" - says ex-circuit overseer.
------posting copied from h2o-----.
posted by xelder [seeker4] on july 13, 2000 at 12:00:52 {rn3hpwrs1eubi2tgjvegd9bhhxgwag}:.
How about the fact of the Law of diminishing returns.
It is the same problem of MLM. As more people preach and then join, there is more people preaching and fewer people to preach to and less territory. That is the problem with Multi Level Marketing. When the congregations grow, they split and the territories split and less to preach to. Soon people can only take out a street or a block. How to pioneers get their hours in when there is no territory to work?
wallsofjericho above wrote "1935 closing of the call - gone"
I don't know why people believed that Rutherford's declaration that the great crowd of Rev 7 being the ones not anointed at that time, means that the anointing stopped except for replacements. That was not taught in the literature. What was taught was the general or mass anointing stopped.
Steve2 said: My mantra has often been, the Watchtower's biggest enemy is not apostasy but apathy."
And the economy. That is what is shutting things down. I love it when the economy goes bad and gas prices go up. Pioneers get hit and people out of work means less donations and attendance.
Challenge for JW's - how do you arrive at 1919 using the Bible alone?
by yadda yadda 2 inany takers?
jw apologists or anyone, convince us why you are sure that jesus appointed the watchtower society in 1919 using the bible alone.
" Jesus appointed the Watchtower Society in 1919 "
First you start by stating where you got this from? Where does this idea come from in that you posted it?
But the reason that 1919 has been significant in organization history is that, that is when the Cedar Point assembly of advertise the king and the kingdom was. That was the sign that they left Babylon the great.
Does it need to be in the Bible?