There are not two destinies.
Those that get resurrected to heaven do that to do a job. It is work, not a destiny. They do not sit on clouds to play harps with Jesus.
I will explain it in simple terms.
Ex 19:5,6 "Now if you will strictly obey my voice and keep my covenant, you will certainly become my special property out of all peoples, for the whole earth belongs to me. You will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation."
Jer 31:31 "“Look!
The days are coming,” declares Jehovah, “when I will make with the
house of Israel and with the house of Judah a new covenant"
1 Peter 2:9 "But you are “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession," has him calling the Christians, Israel. The ones with the new covenant.
Rev 5:10 and 20:6 tells us that the first resurrection is of those ones that rule with Jesus in the heavens who will be kings and priests with him.
Kings and priests were anointed with oil as a sign of their being chosen for that job. Kings and priests with the new covenant are anointed with holy spirit as a sign or token of their being chosen for that job.
Rev 7 tells us that 12,000 out of 12 tribes is the total number of Israel of the spirit; the ones that Peter mentioned. The covenant having been transferred from physical Israel to spiritual Israel.
It's that simple.
So forget about "absent from the body is presence with the Lord". It does not fit the formula.