It's interesting that even the present-day GB realised what a mess they had on their hands with the legacy of all these overly-detailed and proscriptive "prophetic" statements about specific events in the history of the Bible Students' and early JWs.
That's why, a few years ago, they had a clear out by simply declaring that "types" and "anti-types" were to be discarded unless the Bible explicitly makes such comparisons.
The problem for the org is, at a stroke, they undermined the vast majority of all their detailed "justifications" for being Jehovah's sole anointed channel in modern times, as foretold from of old in Scripture. So no more are the anointed or elements of the organisation's history the "Greater or lesser" this or the "Typical or anti-typical" that.
I don't think even now most JWs realise the huge ramifications of the GB tearing up all of that "spiritual heritage" in one fell swoop. (JWs of the older generations, in mean - anyone who's been in the org less than about 15-20 years would have no idea anyway about all these old "prophetic" interpretations). All those articles, all those study publications - the two Isaiah Prophecy books, the Rev Climax book, the Jeremiah and Daniel books, etc - all consigned to a weird limbo where they exist buried in the JW Library as text only (and of course hard copies mouldering on the shelves of older Witnesses), but are never officially referred to in meetings or publications now.
For many older ones, it's probably why so many have now left or drifted and either become inactive or are just coasting along. What's the point, when everything you have invested your hopes and energies into for decades has now been erased at a stroke, by the very people who are supposed to be your "spiritual shepherds", feeding you "life-saving food at the proper time"?