JoinedTopics Started by juliew
can an unhappy married woman vent?
by sowhatnow ini continue to be saddened by the fact that i am married to such a selfish man.. i want to know if i am the only wife who has no say when it comes to using the house she lives in for activities including other people.. .
let me explain.. yesterday my daugher who is 35 got a new puppy for my grandaughter who is 13. today my daughter and son in law are going to help my uncle at a job, and my granddaughter wanted to spend the day here, my daugher said shed bring her and the puppy over, i laughed and said 'your dad wont have that, ill have to go to your house'.. after all it will 'upset' the 2 cats they will hide all day [like they do anytime someone including my grandchild is in my home] .. i already knew that he would not like it if she brought the puppy over, [weve had dogs so its not like he hates them].
he doesnt care if his grandaughter would have enjoyed playing with the puppy over grandmas house, where she likes to be for a change, and that fact that id like to see what my cats would do when they saw a dog for the first time in thier lives.. maybe id have liked to play with the puppy .. when i said to my husband that my daughter said she wanted tp bring them over he said.
WT makes comic books now!
by wifibandit infull set http://imgur.com/a/jvcla .
i put that album together so you don't have to give www.jw.borg any more traffic .
JW.org down?
by jw07 ini'm seeing tons of comments from sad jws on my facebook feed saying that the beloved golden calf jw.org is offline.. what are you seeing when you try it?
*crosses fingers* i wish it could never ever return.. are they getting too much traffic to support?.
work of hackers?
The Watchtower Corporation has paid off CNN...
by Calebs Airplane inrick mclean gets only 15 minutes of fame.... no mention of how the watchtower protects pedophiles.... http://www.themasonictrowel.com/books/the_hidden_powe_behind_freemasonry/files/chapter_19.htm.
JW website merchadise
by juliew inso my step daughter came back from their international convention this weekend wearing jw.org bracelets and pins.
including a pin with a picture of caleb and another cartoon character girl from the jw website.
this makes me so sick.
Children Shunning DF'd Parent
by juliew inso the watchtower says they don't teach children to shun their df'd parents if they are not living in the home per their custody packet.. so what happens once they turn 18 and are no longer legally bound to court orders for visitation?.
does anyone have any experience with this.
did your child begin shunning you once they turned 18. curious how to disucss this topic with your kid before it gets to that point..
Birthday celebration/participation
by Zana inmy wife is considering to let our kids participate, maybe even celebrate their own birthdays.
she says what can be so bad about just giving a little kid (who doesn't yet understand the bible) a day full of joy and happiness?
she herself actually delayed her own baptism as a teenager in order to celebrate one more birthday.
Number of special meetings, etc
by juliew inso how many special visits (co), special day/circuite/district assemblies and special talks are there each year..
Catholic confirmation vs JW Baptism
by juliew inhow can one explain to a court system that getting confirmed as a catholic is not the same as getting baptized as a jehovahs witness.. the court system seems to be under the belief that many children get confirmed around the age of 12 and that a child should have the right to make the decision to get baptized a jw at that age as well.. my arguement is that if you want to leave the catholic church at a later date or commit a serious sin you are not shunned or excommunicated.. looking for something to show the court that using confirmation as a comparison to determine the age at which a child should make this decision is not the same since jw baptism is life altering.
seems like therapists also don't understand or see the big deal with letting the kids get baptized if they want to..