A TALENTED arts graduate hanged himself in the flat he shared with his pregnant girl- friend, an inquest heard.
James Wright, 28, a Jehovah's Witness who worked as a recruitment consultant, wrote a note saying "I'm sorry" before he took his own life.
Right there are some clues that the police and doctors won't catch. The young man was a JW. He shared an apartment with his girlfriend. The girlfriend was pregnant.
The guilt that he must have felt for "living in sin" and then getting her pregnant must have been tremendous. He already had depression issues. Now add the pressure of living in the JWs and the possiblities of either being found out and/or facing DFing. The pressure was too much hor him.
It will go in the books as suicide and technically it is, but the WTS plays a role in the mental make-up of this tortured soul who could only find peace by taking his life. They share a responsibility in how this individual ended up.
The WTS likes to scare it's followers by saying that if they don't share in the preaching work they will be blood-guilty. This situation along with the many others like that happen quite frequently makes the WTS blood-guilty in my book. I had a good friend who took his life because he couldn't meet the standards put in front of him by the WTS and it's propaganda machine. Everytime I read of a similar instance it brings back all those memories and the anger toward the WTS renews itself. May they rot in hell.