"When the fog lifted-did you see the control tactics everywhere?"
it took a while for me - but after some time i began to see most all religion as controlling entities, interested not only in forcing doctrine on adherents, but also, and perhaps primarily, seeking to control believers.
i initially saw this as somewhat benign, but have increasingly seen it as dangerous, even a malignant force in human social-evolution.
i see a far-right fundy church and it virtually screams "jwism" to me.
"When the fog lifted-did you see the control tactics everywhere?"
wouldn't they have the same dna?
would that not make eve a clone of adam?
aren't clones by definition an exact replica of the original?
Thanks. I love blasphemy.
wouldn't they have the same dna?
would that not make eve a clone of adam?
aren't clones by definition an exact replica of the original?
There is a writing called "The Priestly Source" which shows that the bible book of Genesis, including its creation story was written by Jewish priests during the Jews captivity in Babylon. This source also shows that the creation story of Genesis was written only to counter the creation story of the Babylonians. The Genesis myth is similar to the Babylonian myth in which their male god defeated one of their female gods and cut up her body and then created the human race from it.
If Genesis was written only as a countermeasure for the Jews against the religious culture of the Babylonians, then it is obvious that the bible book of Genesis was not inspired. Think about it: Why would the so-called god of the Jews, Jehovah, wait until the jewish nation was in captivity before giving a so-called inspired account of how humans were created? It doesn't make sense.
And if Genesis was not inspired, then the entire bible is not inspired.
There were times even while in the org, that I felt the account of creation in Genesis did not measure up. Now of course, by knowing the scam that religion and the wt are, I know that the Eve from adam's rib myth is just that. A myth.
there has been a new scientific theory that warns of an impending crisis, and it points the way out.. this theory receives the support of leading scientists, politicians and celebrities around the world.
the media reports about it all the time and what will happen if we don't do something about the worldwide problem we are facing.
the problem the theory identifies has become so mainstream that is it taught in schools and universities.. among its advocates are two united states presidents, a renowned british prime minister, two supreme court justices, world famous inventors, novelists, playrights and nobel prize winners, among hundreds of other celebrities.
Very interesting post about Eugenics.
I'm glad you mentioned Silent Spring. Its one of the most dishonest pieces of information out there. As you posted, DDT was not dangerous. That was a false claim made by Carson and others like her who wanted to bolster their careers. Many have suffered because of that.
Hello DonaLeigh,
Welcome to this board.
Everyone here will understand what you are going through and you will find help here. I myself was a third generation witness, and my family had 8 children. I have 2 brothers and 5 sisters. One brother and one sister were had already left the organization.
I was an elder for the entire decade of the 1990's. When I realized the watchtower is not what it claims to be, as you no doubt have also, it caused a split with the rest of my siblings. But eventually, my other brother left, and one of my other sisters and her husband left. The three sisters who are still "in" do not speak or communicate with any of us who are out. And of course,all those who I grew up with in the organization have nothing to do with me either. So, because of standing up for what is fully integrated honesty about the organization, I have lost family members as well as a whole community of those who I thought, were true friends. Though it was not easy, I knew and continue to know, that my stand was the absolute right thing to do.
Most if not all here on this board have had similar experiences. So feel welcome to communicate here what your feelings are. There are many here who will respond to assist you in what you are dealing with, and will do so even better than my words. Feel free to e-mail me through this board if you like.
Again. Welcome!
one part of my experience with the jw's was that many of the elders in my congreagtion were die hard into star trek...i figured it was isolated to that one kh, but as i went to different ones, i noticed it was a lot of them.
one elder explained his fandom as: "it makes me think of the new system.
we will travel to other planets when the earth is full, and colonize the galaxy.
If any of those elders or circuit overseers mentioned in this thread thought that Star Trek, TNG, DS9, Voyager, or STE, had anything to do with witlesses conquering the galaxy and going to other planets after everybody else on Earth had been destroyed in the armageddon fairy tale, they are totally deluded.
Gene Roddenberry's vision was of a time when humans had finally conquered self destructive institutions such as religion, politics. His vision was also of a time when most diseases have been conquered, and no poverty, crime or war on Earth.There is no longer even any money on Earth. Humans had gotten to the point where each person was encouraged to "Make the most of themselves" as brought out in the TNG episode entitled: "The Neutral Zone".
His vision was also of a time when humans of all races and backgrounds go to other planets and live on those planets, as well as mingling with other types of beings. If the elders and circuit overseers mentioned in this thread had payed close attention to the themes and messages in the Star Trek series, they would have been able to see that because of the progress portrayed in those series, the watchtower society or even witlesses cannot even possibly exist at that time, much less being rewarded with being the only people 'favored' by some nonexistent entity called "god" to populate other planets.
I am a former elder and I was always into Star Trek because of the fact that it portrays the time when humans have finally stopped allowing self-destructive institutions, (such as cults like the watchtower), and attitudes to rule their lives. Star Trek always gave me a sense of comfort even while in the org. I don't think I was ever really a part of the collective.
this was huge for me!
a member of the "faithful slave" turning apostate!
what was wrong with him?
"No one like Ray, but I can see one or two of them going looney, real nuts, swinging from poles, and needing sedation. It's a short matter of time before the shop will need to fold up, and the pressure will come down on the mad ones. Any day, one or two will become beserk and believe they are God. That is when the ether bottle comes in, and replaces the brandy. These are just men, faced with a crumbling tower. It's their fault! They have blood guilt on hands and face! Yes, real mad, real soon. Teddy, Teddy, you're guilty already! " Lawrence, I feel the same way. Worf
this topic, i'm sure, has been discussed many times, but today i am really contemplating the concept of god.. i remember vividly the old testament; the israelites slaughtering everyone in their path, men, women and children at god's direction at jericho, leaving no one alive.
i remember thinking then as a child how cruel that was.
there are many other examples.. then reading the news today i read a section in the world news about india.
"He's often referred to as "our loving father." Would any "loving" parent behave this way? If so, they would be prosecuted for child abuse."
I totally agree with you. I personally have gotten past the need or belief in the "God" concept, and the example you posted is one of the reasons why.
Reality always asserts itself.
I use that same example on current jws when I engage them in conversation while they are doing "streetwork" here in NYC. They can never respond to that argument. Its as if it is just not included in their "programming", and it just does not compute.
with the council of some herbal insight i have come up with a fade plan and have started fading.
i am lucky that the congregation i am in i have no friends or associates and very few people who will know if i am not around.
im so glad i left my long time hall years ago because i would be hounded like crazy.
To Yourmomma,
I salute your show of personal power!
And live long and prosper!
when i was a witness i remember asking one of the elders if it would be alright to donate to different causes/charities like the american cancer society,st judes hospital etc.
he told me that these organizations only provide temporary relief whereas god kingdom would provide permanent relief.
) he was so down on these organizations but yet when he needed them for help he sure didnt hesitate to ask them.
Excellent points!
And when you take everything you pointed out and consider those things about the wt from a wide scope accounting basis it shows that the entire belief system of the wt is full of hypocritical holes.