Yea you're rolling allright, I'm seeing this scandal on all news channels lol.
And the desperation continues...
i have received a package from the united nations high commissioner for human rights.
you may recall that dino found out that the uns high commissioners office in geneva, switzerland has in its collection the november 22, 1998 awake!
magazine article titled a long job finished (pages 3 and 4) and a second article titled the universal declaration of human rights (page 5).
Yea you're rolling allright, I'm seeing this scandal on all news channels lol.
And the desperation continues...
check this story out.
i have not seen it posted anywhere yet.. ..
Lawsuits are always a great sign of a tender god-fearing love thy neighbor attitude.
Oh shut up! Witnesses are fighting for their right to preach to people. Filing a suit is not unloving, it's a right.
i have received a package from the united nations high commissioner for human rights.
you may recall that dino found out that the uns high commissioners office in geneva, switzerland has in its collection the november 22, 1998 awake!
magazine article titled a long job finished (pages 3 and 4) and a second article titled the universal declaration of human rights (page 5).
It seems to me that the article is only a brief history of the Declaration of Human Rights. What's wrong with that?
Are you that desperate to find the WTS at fault?
1 tim.
6:4 - from these things spring envy, strife, abusive speeches, wicked suspicions.. commentary:.
evidently, in the apostle paul's day, there were some in the congregation who failed to control their tongue and got involved in quibbling debates about words.
1 Tim. 6:4 - From these things spring envy, strife, abusive speeches, wicked suspicions.
Evidently, in the apostle Paul's day, there were some in the congregation who failed to control their tongue and got involved in quibbling debates about words. (1 Tim. 2:8) There were others who thought too much of their own opinions and even went so far as to challenge the authority of Paul. (2 Cor. 10:10-12) Such a spirit resulted in needless conflicts. (Gal. 5:15) We do well to acknowledge the potential for such futile debates. Of course, it is normal to discuss Bible accounts or wonder about aspects of the promised new world that have not as yet been revealed. And there is nothing wrong with exchanging ideas on personal matters. However, if we become dogmatic about our ideas and take offense when others do not agree with us, the congregation may end up becoming divided over minor issues. w 5/1/00
i should have closed with the following comnment on my post.. when the clean-up is finally done by the messiah through the angels it will be fair and just.
no one at that time will be able to argue what he does.they will not be able to say it is a cruel practice.
it wasn't in the 1st century as i showed in the article.
do you have a statistic on this, or is it just your own b.s.? i highly doubt that the majority of disfellowshipped ones are welcomed back into the congregation, and i would be willing to bet that a large portion of reinstated ones are actually disfellowshipped again.
What YK said is true, at least in my congregation. I don't know about worldwide statistics, but I will use statistics in my present congregation. One of our elders was disfellowshipped at one time. He was out for 3 years. After coming back he worked on his spiritually and slowly made progress. He is an excellent brother and elder. Another example is our district overseer, he was disfellowshipped when he was younger and also progressed spiritually. We currently have two sisters that are disfellowshipped and they are both attending meetings. In the last 10 years there was only one person that was disfellowshipped, came back, then disfellowshipped again. She is now back again and doing very well.
In the cases I have seen the disfellowshipped ones were welcomed back into the family of God.
for some odd reason this morning when i woke up the first thing that came into my mind was the suffering and pain that humans deal with on a daily basis.
again i'm not really sure what made me think about that so early in the morning.
(maybe it was a dream i had).
The problem is not just Jehovah vs. Satan. The problem is also against humans. By disobeying, Adam and Eve were basically saying that they did not need Jehovah. So Jehovah says fine, let everyone see how things go. He allowed humans to make their point, he allowed them to govern themselves without him interfering. What we see today is what humans have brought upon humans. It does seem like a long time, so I see your point there, but we are on Jehovahs timetable and there is nothing that he can't undue at its right time.
a couple of months ago i was addicted to this board when the whole un thing was going on.
i really thought that the exposure of the wts's involvement would open the door for me to walk away from the wt without reprucussions, you know, a valid excuse so as to not be shunned.
(a pipe dream, i know) .
TweetieBird: You're still making something out nothing. You are imputing bad motives when there were none. Joseph made an excellent analysis in the following thread:
this is the instant message conversation i had with my sister in law on friday.
it makes me so sad because i think that she in her heart recognizes the truth of what i am saying, but then the jw brainswashing takes over and she just stops thinking.. sorry it's so long!!.
c: you are very special to me.. c: i love you deeply.
C: crap
C: crap
C: crap
C: does that tell you how i feel about it.
C: crap
C: it means nothing to me.
C: nothing
C: at all
She is so right. Quit being so stubborn and listen, you don't have all the answers "know-it-all".
why does god permit suffering?.
excellent site here:
Why does god permit suffering?
excellent site here:
the funny thing about it is, it's not far from the truth.. .
coming soon to a congregation near you!!!!.
elder voice mail.
geez, it's just a joke