Posts by zev
***WHY would anyone shoot and kill Amish children?***
by sf in
students reported killed, hurt in pennsylvania attack (update2) .
by todd zeranski and chris dolmetsch.
i only just saw it today on the news. what a shame. very very sad.
Whats the funniest/most bizarre comment heard from the audience during a WT
by chiddy inwhats the funniest comment heard from the audience during a wt study/book study/service meeting?.
we had a young retarded kid in our cong , who had his hand up for every single question , usually the bro would take his comment as he would just say "jehovah" but this time he takes the mic and starts this long winded comment rounded off with"satans going to cause a civil war!
priceless !.
usually it was a FART.
United Nations Library - The Forbiden Fruit? (kind of long)
by Lo-ru-hamah ini am in the process of writing a letter to my mothers sister (aunt) about the un/watchtower fiasco.
my aunt will not speak to my mother or father because they are d'fed (for the un/watchtower fiasco).
however, i guess she thinks that i am a weak link and she sent me a letter, basically, stating the same thing that all jw's say in defence of the watchtower.
i have sent the author of the thread a link to my site with the information needed. it is all inclusive.
United Nations Library - The Forbiden Fruit? (kind of long)
by Lo-ru-hamah ini am in the process of writing a letter to my mothers sister (aunt) about the un/watchtower fiasco.
my aunt will not speak to my mother or father because they are d'fed (for the un/watchtower fiasco).
however, i guess she thinks that i am a weak link and she sent me a letter, basically, stating the same thing that all jw's say in defence of the watchtower.
i have pm'ed the auther of this thread with pertinent un information.
How did you feel when you found out Jehovah's Witnesses were a cult?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #660000; } .style2 {font-family: verdana} .style3 {font-size: 16px} .style4 {font-family: verdana; font-size: 16px; } --> finding out jehovah's witnesses were a cult on a number of occasions individuals would warn.
me about being one of jehovah's witnesses and.
say that the religion was really a cult.
heres what made the diffence for me: once i read that, i knew i needed to RUN>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
When are ex-jws/Apostates going to get on with their lives?
by booker-t ini went to a ex-jw's potluck the other day and it will be my last time going.
there were about 20 ex-jw's there just bashing the watchtower society for 2 hours.
i had all i could take and left.
booker t needs to sit in on months of cult survivalist meetings at meadowhaven in lakeville mass and see how others besides jw's get on with their lives. good grief.
Tattoos are mainly for pagans, false worshipping and rebellious ones...
by FreedomFrog inaccording to the watchtower .
i just found this while i was doing my research paper for my communication class...can you believe this??
i just love a good tramp stamp....
Hello again...
by MacHislopp inafter a long , long spell i'll try to partecipate again to this excellent forum.. i'm preparing something and meanwhile i wish to greet all the new ones,.
the older and well known posters including the administrators of this.
j.c. machislopp.
hey mac! nice to see you, and good to hear your getting well again. i also am planning to re-release the infamous un / wtbts website. you could say....i'm back after a spell of being away, coming in like gang busters......
Need some input...
by zev injw's have been making pests of themselves at my house.
2 weeks ago 2 guys came here and gwen let them have it, nicely.
they will never be back she thought, and so did i. well today, while i was at a job, two ladies came by (one has been here before, and i have met her, but i don't know her).
gary, i'll pm you a link for now. to the rest of y'all, i'll post more information on the site soon. be patient. thanks. Harold