I have often known spiritual snobs.
I was raised in the South Hills Congregation, here in pgh, one of the oldest congregations in the world. My dad studied with the city overseer when he was coming into the truth. He was the PO for the Dormont cong. when it formed.
I often think that my brother and myself were Jehovah's way of keeping my family humble. We were the most hyper, wound up, ill-behaved children there. What can I say? We had the fire of life inside us.
So we had all the opportunity to become spiritual snobs, but a burst of mental illness will fix THAT in a hurry! When my brothers schizophrenia manifested itself, we were taught the true meaning of being "dust in the wind."
So as I got older, I found myself drawn to the loners, the freaks and geeks in the congregation. Going out in service with them. Getting burgers. I felt like I didn't really care, I was just glad that somebody thought I was worth talking to. I had some friends I hung out with - I don't think we were the "in-crowd."
Now I live on the outside, and am assembling my army of misfits, and soon we will rule the world!