JoinedTopics Started by Yizuman
My Wife Says She'll Read Franz' Crisis Of Conscien
by minimus inmajor headway has been made.
my wife has said that she would like to read coc!
i recently bought 30 years a watchtower slave.
5 G.B members accused..............
by ScoobySnax inoh now come on..........this forum is seriously losing credibilty..............are you seriously accusing 5 members on the governing body of child abuse?.....ok, many of you had bad experiences with the jw faith and i don't mean to be-little that, but how far will some of you go?
sometimes i wonder if your motives are quite right, you know this echos much of what i felt about how some jumped on the franz/bowen bandwagon in the last few days, from what i read bill bowen seemed to be adulated here, then bam!
he stepped onto ray franz ' turf.....and all hell broke loose.
Man Attempts Suicide; kills J.W. elder instead
by Kenneson in.
the article entitled "bizarre accident thought to be suicide attempt" comes from the springfield news (oregon).. http://www.springfieldnews.com be sure to scroll down.
WT Says Jehovah a mistake
by garybuss in"as to the old testament name of god, certainly the spelling and pronunciation "jehovah" were originally a blunder.
(the bible in living english, 1972, p.7, watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania) .
what's the deal?
German Silentlambs-Site hosted by ex-JW-Porndealer
by GermanXJW in{dear sirs, on a german site i have read, that hans georg kolpak is going to host your material.
for this purpose he has registered the domain http://www.silentlambs.de please note hans georg kolpak is a well known porndealer.take a look at http://www.big-breasts.de/ or http:// www.world-of- bodies.com most dangerous for your work is following.
on his world-of-bodies domain hans georg kolpak links to nudist sites,which show so called voyeur pics.
Going out with a bang
by LittleToe inafter much deliberation, i decided to go "out" at the end of a public talk.
it didn't go down too well, but at least i was able to give some of my reasons for leaving.. i've put some of the details on my homepage.
i'll update it more when i get the time and the strength.
40 Years of Mental Terrorism
by Dogpatch inpassing this on.... mental terrorism.
i am writing about a danger which is very real.
there are people, who may be grieving, who may be suffering from depression, who feel an emptiness, who feel a spiritual longing, who want hope in a world that seems hopeless, and others who are very vulnerable to this danger.
by Cassiline inthis has taken a lot of courage to post.
my life with the jws has been one hardship after another.
i am sharing this to help others see that jws claim to be loving and forgiving people while they are not.
Sickening abuse case in the UK
by Simon ini'm sure anyone in the uk will have heard about the poor little 8 year old girl who was subjected to appalling abuse and killed.. i just feel so angry right now...how could so many police, doctors, social workers let her down and fail to act when the signs were so clear and pointed out to them?.
what are they there for, for goodness sake?.
they should all be sacked for incompetence and failing to do what they get well paid for.