No birthdays
No Xmas or any holiday for that matter.
No other material for spiritually besides the Watchtower, period.
No college
No political opinions
with all the rules that we had to live under to be a good christian it's a wonder that we aren't all neurotic basket cases like i am!
let's compile a list of transgressions and rules that we had to live by.
no rated r movies.
No birthdays
No Xmas or any holiday for that matter.
No other material for spiritually besides the Watchtower, period.
No college
No political opinions
kind of a two fold question, use to have discussions with witnesses about the 144000 and how i didnt agree with it being spiritual because tribes are defined, also mentioned that early on in revelations that a measurement was given for gentiles and i explained that i belived that that was basically foundating that the prophecies proceeding would have nothing to do with gentiles as in they are not measured in these concerns.
never did get any decent reasoning from them on that.. but i haven't heard about that doctrine in a while or online.
granted there are a lot more messed up stuff they teach but these things gave me the impression that it would effect the org if anyone could claim to be of the 144000. are these people suppose to be spiritual?
No, I think it IS setting off alarms for people, they just aren't saying anything. Well, there have been a few posts on here that mention some people saying how they really feel about the broadcasts, and these are hard core JW's too, usually the old timers. But for the most part people just aren't saying anything, but they are aware of things.
I think people are waking up more and more. We'll see.
december 31, 2016 to all congregations in the united states branch territory re: 2017 annual meeting and warwick/wallkill dedication program.
You all are just too much fun. I dig the laughs. What would we do with out Watchtower.
maybe i'm late to the party but i stumbled upon this site:.
lots of old publications and such.. enjoy!.
Pretty cool stuff. I'm sure many will get something out of it. Thanks for sharing.
here the link to the nybr article:.
We'll just have to wait to see what 2017 brings as far as their sell-off plans are concerned. They just keep downsizing everywhere, from their publications to their branches and KH's it's little by little. Pretty soon, just sit back in your easy chair, plug in jw dot org and let it rip. NOT.
confirmed by a family friend and elder who lives in the area!
he was a pioneer elder in a port st lucie (river view congregation) fl, convention and assembly speaker, a"shining star" of the circuit and had served at bethel for several years.
was sexually abusing his step daughter from age 8 to 12. his wife has divorced him and moved back to tennessee.
we keep hearing about these JW pedos more and more. I hope it makes news everywhere
in next weeks bible study session for the cult, it says of a march 15, 1926 watchtower, “the faithful will be volunteers .
to tell this message to the people.” so i got to wondering what the ... was all about.
so i happened to have that watchtower, and this is what it actually says.. “the faithful will be volunteers in the day of god's wrath to tell this message to the people.” .
In next weeks Bible study session for the cult, it says of a March 15, 1926 Watchtower, “The faithful will be volunteers . . . to tell this message to the people.” So I got to wondering what the ... was all about. So I happened to have that Watchtower, and this is what it actually says.
“The faithful will be volunteers in the day of God's wrath to tell this message to the people.”
So it's really simple, why not just print the whole quote? I think it's because it doesn't go along with their present beliefs that JW's won't be preaching during God's wrath. But why not just print it anyways? After all, hasn't the truth gotten brighter and brighter? Cause they don't want to stumble anyone? It's really dishonesty to me. Just tell it the way it is, but then again they are never transparent, so why should it ever surprise us, right?
a circuit overseer friend of mine serving in latin america called me today to say hi.
i asked him what's new and he dropped the news that they have received notification that the branch in mexico will be closing!!
this branch also called the central american branch (although located in mexico) oversees all of mexico's 800,000+ publishers plus all 7 countries of central america of over 100,000 publishers.
Just stop for a minute and think about this. If you were a CO (bare with me), and you were asked to work part time, how would you possibly do it? You are gone 5-6 days a week, leaving basically only one day per week to work. How can you support yourself on one day per week?
It just doesn't make any sense.
recently attended a special assembly day.. guest speaker was thomas chicky, a member of the us branch committee and the head of the us ldc (which has replaced the rbcs).. the last talk of the day is scheduled for an hour.
it was the usual boring mumbo-jumbo.
he appeared to have blasted through his hour-long outline in just about 45 minutes, so he "treated" us to informal comments on recent developments.. he commented on the new wt complex in fishkill ny.. then he dropped the bomb (well, to anyone with ears and at least 2 functioning synapses).. the following is not a word for quote, but presents the gist of his comments:.
Russel is turning over in his grave.
read in the new york business review that made 1 bilion property revenue since august 2016.. unbelievable, isn't it?
they are one of the richest religion organizations in cash flow, for sure.. the co asked us this morning to "overthink wat we can share, to support the work and make jehovah happy".. g..
Well, something tells me maybe they had one of those loans that companies can take out in lew of a big cash amount coming in like the recent building sales. Maybe Warwick almost broke them.