Mr Flipper:
I would of went to prison if someone did that to me, because I would of killed someone! Mustard in the face would'nt have been what I would have done. I swear when it comes right down to it some JW men do not have any boundries at all. They are worse than animals. I have read some things on this board that just shocks me. I have seen sisters come to the meetings with black eyes and broken arms with some pretty shakey stories. One sister I recall was the presiding overseer's teenage daughter. She was a regular pioneer. A couple weeks after her mysterious injury she moved out of her parents home and left JW's and dissaccociated herself.
What happened to you was a savage attack. You would'nt have been wrong to press charges. That stupid dumbass elder that told you to move on....well, I can't think of enough things wrong with his attitude.
The young boys had to be mortified at the behavior of the men attacking you. It's no wonder the organization brings up abusive men from infancy that later go on to abuse there power and physically harm children and adults alike.
Thank you for sharing.