The Robert Wenstrom foundation is good.
Posts by integ
Are There Any Worthy Non-Watchtower Charities?
by TMS injehovah's witnesses are subtly discouraged from contributing to any charities other that the watchtower society.
while acknowledging that groups other that the wt may do "some good", jw's may feel that charitable groups are generally dishonest, wasteful or simply not doing things "jehovah's way.".
now, as an ex-jw, have you found any charities worthy of your monetary support?
KM citing scriptures that don't exist...
by slimboyfat indoes anyone remember the km a couple of years ago that cited a scripture that doesn't exist?
it was something like 2 tim 3:36, and they had mixed up 1st and 2nd timothy.
i was telling a sister about it today, and i think she didn't believe me.
No...It is all a part of the worldwide Jewish conspiracy.
...although, if the GB were really following God's laws instead of man's, they would start killing us.
Once again, they are comprimising God's laws to please Caeser.
It's the apostates that have to be worried. Remember, the GB would like to be able to kill us if they could. Just like in the good ole' bible times. Unfortunately, current laws of the land prohibit the killing of apostates.
God's "Spirit Directed Organization"???
by integ injust got back from the district assembly and during the baptism talk the speaker made this statement: " association with god's spirit directed organization?".
now, correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't jr brown (the societies media spokesman) say during an interview that the witnesses do not consider themselves to be "spirit directed"?.
before i get all mad and outraged about this, would someone either confirm or refute the fact that "brother" brown made this statement?.
Just got back from the District Assembly and during the baptism talk the speaker made this statement: " association with God's Spirit directed organization?"
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Jr Brown (the societies media spokesman) say during an interview that the witnesses DO NOT consider themselves to be "Spirit directed"?
So which is it?
Before I get all mad and outraged about this, would someone either confirm or refute the fact that "Brother" Brown made this statement?
What the Bleep Do We Know!? Movie
by Sailor Ripley ini was just introduced to a new flick and thought that you might want to check it out.
i'll not give any review as i don't want to sway your interpretation.
i will say that i found it interesting and could be appropriate based on some postings i've read here.
JW FACTS,Is "The Secret" some part of the whole illuminati thing?
by DannyHaszard inthis will be danny haszard's boston big dig thread as things develop.. why,because i worked most of my adult life as a heavy construction union concrete form carpenter in the city of boston.i made a lot of money as a skilled craftsman at high wages,and i derived a lot of pleasure from my work.. i also gave a lot of my earnings directly to the watchtower's world wide fund.. i worked for many different contractors out of the union hiring hall,i worked for the modern continental construction company who had the largest share of contracts for the big dig project.. know this-to quote a co-worker,"i hate working for modern continental because they are infested with jehovah's witnesses who give me shit whenever i swear or talk dirty ".
safety officer warned about big dig in 1999. los angeles times, ca - 1 hour ago.
... crushed a motorist to death inside one of boston's big dig tunnels, a ... in 1999 to one of his superiors at contractor modern continental construction co., saying ... .
Go get 'em Danny.
Called JR Brown regarding Cano Pedophile situation
by LDH injust called their media line:.
asked a young man named bryce where is the official press release on the cano pedophile situation.
I received an e-mail that had forwarded from another source, that originated from a "sister" in Illinois. In it she sent links to the original Cano story. But her message directing to the links was the following, word for word:
"..Oh boy, here we go, I'll bet the media will just LOVE this story"
Notice NO mention at all of the victims in this?
Witnesses cannot refute the real "TRUTH"
by integ inno matter what any pompass ass witness says about the religion being the "truth", they cannot refute the simple fact that nothing they have ever predicted has come true.
that's a pretty poor record for gods' chosen people.
oh sure they can point to lame obvious things such as " critical times getting harder to deal with" (even that is debatable), but no hard facts to point to that show they are right, or have ever been.
No matter what any pompass ass witness says about the religion being the "Truth", they cannot refute the simple fact that NOTHING they have ever predicted has come true. That's a pretty poor record for Gods' chosen people. Oh sure they can point to lame obvious things such as " critical times getting harder to deal with" (even THAT is debatable), but NO HARD FACTS to point to that show they are right, or have EVER BEEN.
Here are some points that witnesses tend to point to as "facts":
- We have the truth about the resurrection...oh really? what hard evidence can you point to that verifies that?...still waiting.
- The end of this system is just around the corner....Oh yeah??? You've been saying that for over a hundred years...Still waiting for that one too.
You see, the witnesses are WRONG until proven RIGHT. Plain and simple. If the Great Day of God the Almighty does come, and he chooses to obliterate all "non-beleivers" and usher in a "New System of Things" and a" Paradise Earth" THEN AND ONLY THEN, will the witnesses be shown as being 'right' about ANYTHING that isn't ridiculously obvious.
It's like me making a prediction that; "in 3 days there will continue to be wars in the world". Whoa..I really stepped out on that one. Now if I'm right, do i deserve everyones' un-dying support and trust with their lives?
I defy any witness, troll, or "lurker", to point to ONE SINGLE THING that the witnesses have EVER predicted that has come true...(that isn't some blatantly obvious event or circumstance that any idiot could predict.)
The witness record for accurate predictions is the worst in world history..."But we are the only ones talking about the end of the system"...SO WHAT??? It hasn't happened yet, HAS IT???
No facts. Just failures. And until the 'end' does come, you will always be WRONG!!!
...and THAT my friends is actually a 'FACT', as compared to the witness self indulgent, grandiose, fantasies.
What is the power the Internet has against the WTS, and how best to use it?
by jwfacts init has been discussed that the internet is bringing the wts to its knees far quicker than ever hoped for several reasons:rapid access to research of old publications through databasesanonymous nature of finding informationease of which a person can stumble accross information.
another powerful reason is interactivity with other people.
the ability to rapidly see many ideas on a board like this, ask questions and get answers allows personalisation to the individual needs of every truthseeker.
I am Lady Lee.