What's the big deal about the Sept. '07 KM?
If I may ask.
sorry if someone already posted it.. kate.
What's the big deal about the Sept. '07 KM?
If I may ask.
while the wtbs is no doubt scrambling about at bethel; frantically searching the scriptures in an effort to attach some prophetic meaning to this latest hurricane in the caribbean, and how it somhow relates to the importance of stepping it up in the ministry, how much time do you think they will spend on plans to help their fellowman?.
i am sure we will all hear b.s such as " this just shows how we are in the last of the last of the last days".. but oh by the way, make plans for our international convention in 2009..
While the WTBS is no doubt scrambling about at Bethel; frantically searching the scriptures in an effort to attach some prophetic meaning to this latest hurricane in the Caribbean, and how it somhow relates to the importance of stepping it up in the ministry, how much time do you think they will spend on plans to help their fellowman?
I am sure we will all hear b.s such as " This just shows how we are in the last of the last of the last days".
But oh by the way, make plans for our International Convention in 2009.
i've heard about a few studies that show atheists are smarter than theists in some aspects of life- science, maths, etc.
i'm not sure how true it is though, so let's see how we do.
i did my test at www.iqtest.com.
theres a large national insurance agency in milford, mi.
called united insurance group who my friend works for.
he says the place only hires witnesses for their fulltime positions at the home office.. pat patterson, who runs it, is very wealthy.
Yes, Patterson is STILL very much a witness.
United is just an agency. They will "contract" with independant agents to sell the products they have. UIG has relationships w/ many carriers, and they have a brokerage division and a "captive" agent division.
The commissions they pay are far below what a person would get normally as an independant agent. Their big lure to bring on agents is that they offer "free" leads to agents who sell their soul to them and agree to market Uig's products exclusively. The problem is that once you've gone through the original leads they dry up and it's too late to just leave. Their contracts attempt to destroy your ability to work somewhere else.
Commission for agent NOT with United 100 %
United Agent: 50 %
The leads are old and mostly reproduced duplicates so the agent has a horrible time making a living, and an even tougher time leaving, as United WILL NOT release them from their contracts if you are a "captive" agent.
My understanding is that yes, there are MANY non witnesses who are agents across the country, but I was told that EVERYONE at the home office and in the high up administrative department are ALL witnesses with very high salaries.
Thanks for the links and the info on the laws pertaining to the hiring of persons based on religion.
theres a large national insurance agency in milford, mi.
called united insurance group who my friend works for.
he says the place only hires witnesses for their fulltime positions at the home office.. pat patterson, who runs it, is very wealthy.
Theres a large national insurance agency in Milford, Mi. called United Insurance Group who my friend works for. He says the place ONLY hires witnesses for their fulltime positions at the home office.
Pat Patterson, who runs it, is VERY wealthy. He had actually sold it in '99 for over 10 million us dollars, but as part of the deal remained as CEO.
I asked him if he ever hoped to move up in the company, because he is very qualified, and he said "no way; they only promote Jehovahs".
I wonder if this practice of only promoting "Jehovahs" is legal?
Just curious.
Anybody heard of this company or some of the big wigs such as:
The Bytnars
The Gardners
Matthew Bostwick
Craig Barton
i just took this of myself.
this is exwitless, casual style (my hair looks bad-sorry).. .
Nice pic of someone who appears to be a friendly person.
Can't possibly be an apostate.
Apostates have horns on their head.
for some reason there is a consensus on the board that teddy jaracz is currently the most dominant, powerful member of the gb.
i'm not quite sure where that view comes from, but assuming it is true, my question is: who will replace him when he finally dies?
jaracz is 82, recently had a heart attack, but evidently he is well again and still very energetic so he will probably be around for quite a few years yet.
Jack Barr is too old - 95 next year.
Brother Barr is merely a translucent vehicle through which Jehovah can operate.
When Brother Barr has outlived his usefulness, Jah will take him to Heaven where Bro. Barr will continue to communicate with the GB.
This should be obvious to us all.
i m glad i found this board, and i hope i'm welcome here.
i'm a study, maybe a perpetual one.
i'm through the knowledge book and into teach, i'll save my soul and spirit questions for another post.
Hi Uncertain.
Just to let you know, your bible study conductor would be very leery of you being on this forum. That alone should tell you something. Make your own conclusion on why that would be.
Enjoy your freedom to look at sites like this while u can, because once you become a witness you could literally be kicked out of the organization for doing so.
The people who are being nice to you are probably good people who honestly feel they are helping you, and may not even be aware of all the discrepencies of their religion, because they are taught very sternly to not explore unbiased analysis of the watchtower society, becuase they state that ANY ideas or interpretations that are contrary to what they are currently teaching, are demonically influenced. It's true!
Outside of very obvious things like "the world is getting more violent and promiscuous" or things of that nature, the watchtower society has NEVER predicted ANYTHING that has ever come true. Not a good record for what they claim is the ONLY true religion.
Did u realize that the witnesses actually believe that the "trumpet blasts" mentioned in the book of Revelation are referring to some announcements made at witness (then known as Bible Students) conventions in the 1920's and 30's? Yes it's true; they REALLY believe that.
Also realize that if YOU don't fully accept EVERYTHING that the Governing Body of Jehovahs Witnesses teach (at least say out loud that you don't accept something), efforts will be made to "adjust" your thinking, and after that, if u STILL do not accept the witness reasoning, u will be shunned by the same people who you think are your friends right now; because if they do not shun you, they themselves will be disfellowshipped and shunned by EVERYONE else in the religion.
Right now you are not baptized. Consider that a blessing from God, because you can get away w/ asking questions, and you don't have to agree w/ everything they teach. But when you get baptized the whole game changes dramatically.
Good luck to you,
(oh by the way, you cant use the word "luck' once u become a witness; unless they changed that)
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; } .style2 {color: #ff0000} .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {color: #0000ff} .style5 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; } .style6 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } .style7 {color: #000000} --> former jehovahs witnessare hypocritesit amazes me how these people who once donned three-piece suits .
with book, bag and bible in hand are now singing the blues.
these former jehovahs witnesses, who would annoy a man and his.
IP-SEC said:
I would agree with him on much. I am getting kind of sick of hearing about how bad jws are, blah blah blah, like you werent one at one time. Also jws are far from the worst thing in the world. It just seems that way if you have a small world view.
Are you going to try and get re-instated?
i have a 22' sailboat in the marina.
i took her out on saturday and spent about 8 hours on lake superior.
saturday was an almost perfect day for sailing.
That's awesome.
I went boating on a major Southeastern U.S. lake over the weekend on a pontoon.
Anyway, great pics; put me in a happy state of mind.