So, did the disciples find out Jesus claimed to be God from listening to his preachings?
JoinedPosts by ClassAvenger
Trinitarians, Did Jesus reveal himself as God?
by ClassAvenger ini'm a person that believes in the trinity, but i have a question.
i know jesus didn't reveal to all the people to whom he preached as god himself, and it was not something that he directly taught (or at least i think he didn't), but i know from what i've read that the disciples knew and taught it.
my question is, did jesus tell them, or did they have this revealed when they were anointed by the holy spirit?
God's Channel Quote
by ClassAvenger inthere's a quote on the watchtower being god's channel at the site
it lies between august 15, 1933 and november 1, 1933. this quote has a "?/??".
i would like to know if anyone has the date on this magazine.
The reason I need this quote is because this friend thinks it's that the lack of the date on the quote makes the rest invalid in the webpage. I hope I can find it soon. Thanks
God's Channel Quote
by ClassAvenger inthere's a quote on the watchtower being god's channel at the site
it lies between august 15, 1933 and november 1, 1933. this quote has a "?/??".
i would like to know if anyone has the date on this magazine.
There's a quote on the Watchtower being God's Channel at the site It lies between August 15, 1933 and November 1, 1933. This quote has a "?/??". I would like to know if anyone has the date on this magazine. It is not that important to me, but it is to a friend. The quote reads as follow in the page: *** Watchtower 1933 ?/?? p.276 ***
[Not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]It has pleased the lord to use The Watchtower as a means of conveying his message to his covenant people.
[Emphasis Added]
Trinitarians, Did Jesus reveal himself as God?
by ClassAvenger ini'm a person that believes in the trinity, but i have a question.
i know jesus didn't reveal to all the people to whom he preached as god himself, and it was not something that he directly taught (or at least i think he didn't), but i know from what i've read that the disciples knew and taught it.
my question is, did jesus tell them, or did they have this revealed when they were anointed by the holy spirit?
I'm a person that believes in the Trinity, but I have a question. I know Jesus didn't reveal to all the people to whom he preached as God himself, and it was not something that he directly taught (or at least I think he didn't), but I know from what I've read that the disciples knew and taught it. My question is, did Jesus tell them, or did they have this revealed when they were anointed by the Holy Spirit? Only trinitarians answer, I don't want to start a debate here on wether the Trinity is true or false.
What are you doing to preach the "good news" to your neighbors?
by mizpah inwhen i left the organization this question was asked by some jws.
it was undoubtedly asked with the thought in mind that we weren't fulfilling our dedication to jehovah?
i know what my answer was to this.
I preach to my JW friends on how they are wrong, if you think about it long enough, i am attacking them. But my goal is to show them the truth on the Watchtower, their errors. Most of these I get off webpages, but they always tell me that they are full of apostates, and that everything is fake, and all this stuff. They won't believe me until I get a book of theirs to show them, but I don't have any.
micheal the archangel
by trinity4life in.
i have not found one jehovahs witness who could show me in the bible where jesus is refered to as micheal the archangel or that you could draw such a conclusion.
if anyone is willing to discuss this topic with me i would greatly appriciate it.
Hi Trinity4life,
Sure, post some direct references. I believe in the Trinity, and I want to know more on the subject.
Has anyone seen the article, Young People Ask., Do I need a mobile phone?
by laylaluv inhas anyone seen the article, young people i need a mobile phone?
this is on the home page of the society.
jesus stated the wise principle that one should "calculate the expense" before undertaking an important project.
Why do they care? Next thing, they'll be telling you what credit card has the lowest interest rates. Do they fear people will use it to talk to their worldly friends?
I Did Jesus come in 1914?
by ClassAvenger ini think i have read this somewhere, but do the jehovah witnesses believe that jesus came and spoke with some members of the watchtower organization?
is this a lie, or do they truly believe it?
if it is true, do they state it in any book or magazine?
I think I have read this somewhere, but do the Jehovah Witnesses believe that Jesus came and spoke with some members of the Watchtower organization? Is this a lie, or do they truly believe it? If it is true, do they state it in any book or magazine?
Watchtower Prophecies and Contradictions
by ClassAvenger inmy jw friend does not believe that the watchtower has made many false prophecies before, he says that all people who say those things are apostates and that they are lying.
well, i know that many of you know magazines where the watchtower prophecises or makes contradictions, can anyone post what magazines they were (year, month, day) and if you can, the page #.
that way i can tell him to check them out himself.
My JW friend does not believe that the Watchtower has made many false prophecies before, he says that all people who say those things are apostates and that they are lying. Well, I know that many of you know magazines where the Watchtower prophecises or makes contradictions, can anyone post what magazines they were (year, month, day) and if you can, the page #. That way I can tell him to check them out himself. Thanks.
WTS says faith is not enough! (Worship Bk chap 8)
by ozziepost inmost people would think that having faith is what is required for a christian.
but it seems the borg is saying that something more than faith is required.
that seems to be the thinking in chapter 8 of the recently released book worship the only true god.
I've been reading the bible and found some passages relating to this issue. First, I would like to point out something that Martin Luther said describing the whole deal: One is saved by faith on its own, but if the faith stays alone, then it is not faith. He is just basically saying that if you have faith, you will automatically do "good works" that go with it. But, if faith stays alone, then it is not really faith. My pastor at church said that there are some people that go to church all their life, doing good works, and believing they will enter heaven, but that in their hearts they really didn't believe in Christ. He says that these people are the hardest to save. Well, anyways, I would like to give some bible passages that support the whole deal.
-Romans 3:22, Romans 3:28, Romans 3:31, Romans 9:30-31
- Galatians 2:16, Galatians 2:21, Galatians 3:10-11, Galatians 3:28, Galatians 5:5-6.
JWs say that in James 2:14 it says that people need to have works in order to be saved. James is a very controversial book of the bible because it seems like he is contradicting Paul. In reality, the whole point is that James is saying that if you have faith, your works will come with it, and your works will show your faith. Like in the quote above stated by Martin Luther says, if faith is alone, then it is not faith.