That's the funniest story I've heard in weeks. Thanks for the laugh. hahaha
oh my god, you guys!
some jehovahs witnesses just came to my house--and of course my latest strategy is to hide and let someone else answer the door, or not answer the door at all.
well, my younger brother is home from his first semester at college and he just happened to be near the door when they came knocking... .
That's the funniest story I've heard in weeks. Thanks for the laugh. hahaha
i mentioned this in chat yesterday with jesika, and thought that i should make it public.
its thanks to jesikas story that i was able to crack through my jw defenses and see the truth about the truth.
i read about her abuse on the silentlambs website, which then led me to other sites, then eventually here.
I would also like to thank you Jesika for making me feel welcome here at the board. Thanks a bundle.
ok...i remember when going to the hall it was ok to say fortunate...but not "lucky"..anyone here that can explain the difference.?.
my jw mother in law was always correcting me..even tho i wasn't a witness anymore!..and being the "kind" soul i am.. went along with her..for respect... but where was the respect for my beliefs?..apparently this is a oneway street!..ya know?.
snoozy..aka..golden girl...
This is one of the funniest things I know regarding the JW's. When they make an entirely harmless word taboo, it's just too funny. I can't keep a straight face when a witness tries to explain why they don't use the word "luck". It's hilarious.
maybe someone can offer an answer to a question i have, that no witness as of yet has been able to answer me satisfactorily.
how can jw's even think about denying their baby or child a blood transfusion in a life or death situation?
i would think that when elder pious says, "you know brothers, sisters, jehovah god does not want us to take blood, even in seemingly deadly situations.
Maybe someone can offer an answer to a question I have, that no witness as of yet has been able to answer me satisfactorily. How can JW's even THINK about denying their baby or child a blood transfusion in a life or death situation? I would think that when Elder Pious says, "You know brothers, sisters, Jehovah God does not want us to take blood, even in seemingly deadly situations. I'm afraid that little Susie is going to have to die. Yeah, it's a shame.", that warning bells would go off and people would realize how twisted the WTBTS is. I honestly cannot understand this. I know the WT has a lot of control over the JW's, but, a child's life? Come on, that's insane. Anyone want to shed some light on the subject?
i dont wish to offend anyone but this is what i think.a large number of people who leave the jehovahs witness movment become born again christians or join other religious groups.but is this a sign that many who have learnt that "gods chosen organisation" is wrong have not learnt anything at all?.
maybe the prospect of facing a future without a god , a divine purpose , and a faith just too much for some people to bear.but in joining another religious group are they not making the same or similar mistakes as before?they are still putting their trust in a ancient book written by people they have never met, interpretted by other people or by themselves, they have not maybe learnt to be analytical in their thinking and to withhold trust until reasonably solid evidence is provided on an issue.. although other religious may or may not be more harmful than jehovahs witnesses if lessons on thinking and reasoning have not been learnt then we could be open to many more errors of judgment in our lives.. so does the fact that many jehovahs witnesses join other religons show that they are just moving on rather than understanding why jehovahs witness are wrong and learning from it?.
maybe they dont fully grasp that the fudamental flaw to jehovahs witness , is belief in the bible as gods word only the second being following that through an organistation .if the bible is not gods word then all religions who follow it are flawed.. of course what other people choose to think or follow is none of my buisness and i fully respect other peoples right to believe what they want, but if this world is to progress and mankind to improve in thier dealings with one another then we can not all go round living in our own little fantasy worlds , we must be brutal with ourselves in checking why we believe the things we do and trying to align our minds with reality not fantasy.. this apllies to all aspects of our lives.but if we are not honest or open minded and reasonable enough to see there are some massive problems to the bibles authenticity and divine declerations how will we be able to make reasonable decisions in other areas of our lives?
In my opinion, one of the biggest problems with the watchtower is that witnesses lose their ability to think freely and weigh decisions properly, at least when it comes to religion. It's exactly the same way with BA and fundamental religions. I am for the most part tolerant of others opinions, but when individual insult other people's viewpoints, whether intentionally or indirectly, I am always annoyed. Not to pick on you mouthy, but you said :
Very pretty birds, blue & orange, were flitting around, squirrels running up the tree- Rabbits sitting under my window. I cannot be stupid enough to think POOF!!! they just come into existance -Now I am not saying I neccesarily belive in evoloution, but you stating that you couldn't be that stupid implies that everyone who believes in evoloution is stupid. That is a prime example of how people think their beliefs are superior to all others and immune to questioning. Please don't take this personally, but I cannot stand it when people, (especially our friends at the local Kingdom Hall) act as though they are "in the truth" and everyone else is foolish for not agreeing with them. People have to realise that they are not always right, no matter how much they may want to be.
i went to the public talk given by the c.o.
and the whole theme was that jw's should wear an identity card so that everyone would know who they were.we should feel happy that by our merely voicing our position as jw's, that everyone knows what we are and who we stand for.
we should be happy to make a stand and sit down for the flag salute, to show we won't worship it.
No matter how you look at it, ID cards are just another way for JW's to isolate themselves, & to control and keep tabs on their brothers and sisters.
before i had started studying with the jw's i had tried to read the bible.
it didn't make sense to me.
(in all honesty, i didn't try real hard nor did i put forth alot of time into my readings).
Don't even attempt to use that argument. Doctors did not say that their treatments were the word of god. Nor did they ruin the lives of the people who refused their treatments, or did they completely dictate how their patients should live. And doctors don't make up foolish stories about new light when they find new methods of treatment. They admit they were wrong, and admit they will again be wrong in 20 years. The fact of the matter is, the WT claims to be "Jehovah's sole channel of commnication" to his people, and yet the WT has been wrong time and time again. And their terrible controlling techniques proves they are not of god. If they truly spoke for Jehovah they would not fear apostate material, because they would be in the truth, and unafraid of scrutiny. And yet, you better not be caught with that "spiritual pornography" or else.
before i had started studying with the jw's i had tried to read the bible.
it didn't make sense to me.
(in all honesty, i didn't try real hard nor did i put forth alot of time into my readings).
You could list mistakes and foolish the things the WT has said for months, but if someone is completely convinced, as lefty seems to be, that the WT is inerrant in their teachings, you are simply waisting your breath ( or your typing energy in this case) and your time. You won't win an argument with a JW because they refuse to listen almost all the time.
before i had started studying with the jw's i had tried to read the bible.
it didn't make sense to me.
(in all honesty, i didn't try real hard nor did i put forth alot of time into my readings).
I've seen a number of your posts, and even if you think you are an independant thinker, (which, i have to admit, you may have some level of independance in your thought if you are part of a discussion board filled with ex-JW's) I still think you are closed minded because of the way you reply to everything that insults the WT, even if it is perfectly sensible. I personally could not stand being so constantly negative. If you don't mind me asking though, how can you justify your presence on this board? It is apparent to anyone who knows anything about the WT that you should most certainly not be here. I don't mind talking with JW's as long as they are sensible, but I think the elders may have a lightly different view than I do about you being here.
i am not a witness, and i have never been one, but i have a very close friend who is a witness, and have done a lot of reading about the wt and i am well aware of the many evils of their teachings.
but i am not posting to insult the boys in brooklyn.
my friend that i mentioned earlier is currently a witness, and i am wondering if anybody has any idea how i can help her deal with her situation.
You're right. Me being a guy certainly did make it worse. And unfortunately you're also right about us not being close friends for long. Sadly, we are already well on our way down that road. Just out of curiousity, how long have you been away from the org? And also, if you don't mind me asking, why and how did you leave?