Yum, yum! I love pepperjack!
JoinedPosts by asortafairytale
by SLOAN inthere's soo many yummy cheeses.
one that hasn't been mentioned that i like a lot is pepper jack cheese (yummy!!!
) havarti is a nice mild, smooth and creamy delight!!.
Cheesy Question:
by Englishman inwhat's your favourite cheese, please?.
mine's gruyere, a swiss cheese that is absolutely scrummy.http://www.cheese.com/description.asp?name=gruyere.
of course, i still enjoy the noble stilton, danish blue and there ain't nothing to compare to a genuine parmesan with pasta.. but, gruyere takes some beating, i reckon.. englishman.
I work in a deli, so all I do is slice cheese all day!
I love meunster, and mild brick is okay. Lacy swiss and Old Wisconsin swiss are the worst.....gag...so is havarti.
asortafairytale(of the happily gay class)
What Was The 1st Thing That Made You Question?
by minimus inas a youngster raised in the "truth", i had my questions.
but anytime you ask a question that is unanswerable, you are told to just wait on jehovah.
as time passes, i believe that we store up a number of unanswerable questions that forces one to eventually think about everything.
The whole supposed "female inferiority" thing. And everytime I asked questions about it, I got the exact same answer: "god is the head of christ, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah....."
I grew up dirt poor, and my clothes were never very nice, and I never had such "essentials" as a "meeting coat", or a nice bookbag. I wore what I had, usually used things, wore my regular coat, and carried my books. And I was looked down on. That made me question the whole "christian love" thing
It was just about everything that happened from the moment my mom was disfellowshipped 12 years ago.
Describe Your "STATUS" In The Congreg...
by minimus inif you were to describe what your status was in the congregation, what would it be?
were you viewed as mature?
in "good standing", a pain in the rear?
Bad association, and spiritually weak.
My mother was disfellowshipped, and I studied from 13-18 without ever progressing to baptism. Aw, shucks.
I also had many wordly friends, and ah...several encounters with the police. -
What is your zip code? Warning: FLUFF!
by gilwarrior inmy goodness, more fluff.
ok, so what is your zip code?.
i live in las vegas.
Menominee, MI 49858
Do You Believe In God Or Not?
by minimus inif you've been associated with the witnesses, believing in god was a necessity.
do you still feel that god exists?
if you believe in god, do you feel that he cares about you?
I never stopped believing in "a" god, and recently becoming interested in learning about gods and goddesses.
I don't feel so good :(
by Queenie45 ini have been talking with a nurses assistant in retirement and she says that the last nine months with all these leg ulcers, the meds.
i have been taking, the three weeks in the hospital, etc.
has finally all caught up with me and i feel like crap!.
I hope you feel better soon!!!!!
crazy JW family stories
by shera in.
my father is a painter and he went on a job to home after a jw family moved out.he noticed there was wiring under the flooring going to the fridge.he asked what this was about and the landlord told him a jw family lived here and the father wired the fridge to an alarm.he would only allow his family to eat when he said so.if they tried to sneak any food it would set the alarm off,i was told they went there separate ways.wonder why?
There was a guy in my old cong, who, while "out in service" ran over and killed a cat. He then proceeded to scrape it off the road and put it into his briefcase. He went door to door, placing tracts, and asking if they had lost a cat.
True story.
I've read The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Good read...very intense.
Is this for real?
by fairy inyou have to concentrate really hard for this one.. the owners of this house had been seeing images and hearing voices for quite a while.
they did some research and found that a lady once lived in the house who lost her husband during the civil war.
legend says that she use to sit at the table and look across the fields in anticipation of her love one returning home.
Geez! I knew something like that was going to happen, but it didn't fail to scare the sh*t out of me!