This is confusing to me. Why are they interested in hunting people down and df-ing or da-ing them. What is the advantage to the organization?
JoinedPosts by kgfreeperson
Elder Visit
by Coqui ini've been away for a year and a half.
today my family got a knock on the door and yes two witness, one a servant who i know and an elder who i had never met.. mostly small talk all directed at me and not my wife.
i never da nor had i been df'ed.. elder question: do you beleive this is the truth?
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 1-25-04 WT Study
by blondie inreview comments
will be in black and parentheses ()
wt quotes
robhic, I'm here for reasons similar to yours (although my friend was "born in the truth.") The more I learn here, the heavier my heart. What level of need for self-deception would allow one to actually study this stuff and not recognize it is crazy.
Call-In with your shunning stories
by jschwehm inhi gang:.
just a reminder that tomorrow at 11am central time we will be doing the radio show on shunning.
call in with your stories.
I couldn't figure out how to switch my radio to AM (I know, I know) and I couldn't get the web site to work--so I'll look forward to hearing the rebroadcast this evening. Glad it went well.
Witnesses coming Saturday... I need HELP!!!!
by Globetrotter ini got into a rather heated discussion this morning with my unbaptised but raised jehovah's witness wife.
we discussed so many things: feb 1 watchtower article on 607 and 1914, the un, beth sarim, blood, god's mouthpiece here on earth, etc.
this was yet another attempt on my part to try to plant a seed of doubt.
Sorry free willie, wasn't trying to be mysterious, just got really busy and haven't been back! An article was recently posted here from, I think, Awake! that was ranting about apostates and not reading material they give you and not listening to their questions or arguments, etc. It was striking to read how globetrotter conducted the conversation with the two elders and then to read the Awake! article. (I'm sorry--you know how fast the board moves, I have no idea what topic the article was posted in, but it must have been close to this one on January 13!)
Well, do ya?
by onacruse inlol, i just thought i'd start a thread in this rather quiet forum, to see what happens!
man, i work my butt off every day, swinging a hammer and scratchin' my head...what other physical activities do i need?.
I must admit I have a wee bit of difficulty being thought of as piece of exercise equipment, but, oh well.
When does it get better?
by MonkeyPrincess inwhen will the guilty feeling of leaving the org go away?
i am feeling at my lowest point right now, and its terrible.
this after visiting my parents and feeling that awkward tension building between us.
I was thinking about why human beings create such demanding and unreasonable gods--are so drawn to the legalistic in religion--the other morning and I had a flash of insight that I've been ruminating on: To me, Jesus's basic message is "now cut that shit out and take care of each other." Unlike Jehovah, Jesus was pretty clear: Feed the hungry, give the thirsty a drink, befriend the newcomer, clothe the naked, visit and comfort the ill and visit those imprisoned. In other words, seek out people who need what you have and give it to them. That is such a strict and demanding discipline that it makes following the 10 commandments look like nothing. It sets such a high standard that people go scurrying back to the scriptures to find what else they can do to please god! Hate homos? Check! Offer constant praise to Jehovah? Check! Condemn people who don't worship correctly? Check! Etc. Etc. This explains a lot to me!
I'm in!
by seattleniceguy injust got word: i'm back in the saddle at ms!
woo hoo!
*moonwalks around his living room*.
More good news! Today is a good day! Congratulations, seattleniceguy.
I'm Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Yizuman infinally!
i got a place of my own!
i moved here last week sunday after i saw an ad for an apt for $425.00 p/m w/ all utilities paid!!!
Such very good news! I've missed you, too, Yiz, and it's great to see you and see you're doing well. And I agree--virtual housewarming party is in order.
Have any of you experienced this ?
by codeblue in.
as a married jw, did your spouse ever cheat on you with another jw?
I think the only difference in JW congregations is that the R & F truly believe in the "purity" and "cleanliness" of the organization. So all this betrayal seems that much worse. I do think the more repressive the group the more people act out sexually, though.
What did the Watchtower say following 9/11
by kgfreeperson inthere have been some references from time to time about how jws felt about 9/11 and how the watchtower responded, but i'm interested in what, if anything, the watchtower said specifically.
i don't have access to any of the publications, though.
can anybody enlighten me?
There have been some references from time to time about how JWs felt about 9/11 and how the Watchtower responded, but I'm interested in what, if anything, the Watchtower said specifically. I don't have access to any of the publications, though. Can anybody enlighten me?