As a completely un-religious person, I still find it a good practice to pause before digging in to recognize how lucky I am that I can have decent food pretty much whenever I want it. It helps not to take what good lives we have for granted. It especially helps when things aren't going the way we think they should!
So, meaningless ritual or not, stop occasionally to appreciate your good fortune when it's raining and you have an umbrella, when you don't have time to look for a parking place and one opens up for you just as you arrive, when you sit down at a restaurant and pick up a menu. You could be going through the dumpster out back--lots are.
JoinedPosts by kgfreeperson
A sister spoke to me at breakfast...
by AK - Jeff ini was eating a sinful double order of biscuits/gravy when this sister i knew came up to my table.
as is usual with witness mentality, not a single word about the family or any other matter, just launched into "hubby and i were out by your house in service, stopped by but no one was home" then she tactlessly mentioned that she had not seen us around the hall for a while.
i told her we were not attending meetings any longer.
Think of the Children.
by Daunt ini've seen a lot of posts lately about children and their sexuality and this subject has always kind of touched me the wrong way, because it was hard for me to get a definitive answer for it.
the children today hear sexual content many times out of the day.
i was never specifically worried about this since i am one of these young ones and it hasn't made me a raging ignorant sexual deviant anytime lately but it is something to consider.
When my kid was in school, going through several of these "educations" (ie, sex, drugs/alcohol, gangs, etc.) he said the adults came in and talked about how it all was so baaaaaaad. They never talked about what's good--kids have to find that out for themselves. And then, maybe, they say later, "Oh--now I understand." But lots of times, they experiment, don't get "caught" and go on thinking this is just one more instance of adults trying to keep the good stuff to themselves.
I don't know if you actually could do something in public schools today that honestly discussed the allure of drugs, let alone sex, but it sure made sense to me at the time. -
The Purple or the Pink Triangle? : My Choice, My Story
by dorayakii intheres an interesting thread here: and i thought i'd open up the discussion again in the guise of "coming-out" to jwd.
it's taken me about 5 hours to get the language and style of this post right.
How I got out of JWs, they showed me the way!
by out of the box ini have been writing 'my story' in bits and pieces here.
it was pouring out, one of the kids sick, jw husband wasn't going.
i got in the car (this little hatch-back car was a loaner from the garage because our larger car was being repaired) i was stopped at a stop sign and i was on time for the meeting.. i heard something and turned in time to see something coming at me fast.
I hope you no longer have trouble with your back and am really glad you're out of the box!
S.A.D. Tommorrow!!
by RichieRich in.
well kids, tommorrow is my special assembly day.... as always, i have a pocket full of aposta-checks, and heart full of anger.
pictures to come, and notes if i can stay awake...
More to the point, has there been any gossip about the checks? Any reaction at all?, she asks hopefully.
Fascinating development in sex-abuse cases!
by hornetsnest ini dont get on here very often, but when i saw this i figured that you would like to know about it.
it seems that the catholic church here in oregon (u. s.
) is doing everything possible to shield its assets from the sex-abuse liability they have incurred.
Wow. The implications are mind boggling, aren't they.
help my mother is brainwashing my 10 yr old
by squirlyboo inughhhhh, i left "the truth" when i was 16 i had my daughter when i was 18. while is was finishing college my mother watched my daughter for me , so they are very very close.
well whenever my daughter goes to visit usualy about a week at a time my mother takes her to the hall .
she fills her head with the doctrine and tells her that ill say bad things about it and scares her into not telling me about it .
What an awkward position to be in--but one many here have had to deal with. I think you'll find lots of support and advice here.
In the meantime, welcome to the forum! -
Dansk is in the hospital --- emails from Claire
by Alleymom indansk (ian) is in the hospital.
as you know, he posted to us on wednesday morning (after the tuesday night vigil) saying that he felt very bad.
claire ended up having to go home from work because he was feeling so weak and having some trouble breathing.. here are her emails.
Holding you all in my heart.
Another letter from WBTS re: UN Scandal
by Gadget inquite a while ago i mentioned to my parents about the un scandal but they didn't seem too interested, but when i called in the other day my mother mentioned it to me again.
they had a elder and his wife (family friends who i was previously very very close to) staying with them for the convention and discussed it with them.
the elders wife is a very strong personality and super-spiritual but when she heard of the scandal back in spring she had a huge problem with it.
Reading that Awake! excerpt, my first thought is that the folks at the UN didn't read what was submitted to them in support of the application.
All high control groups are essentially the same
by kgfreeperson ini've just listened to an article on "the world"> "beijing's campaign of social control" .
as i listened, i was amazed at how much it sounded like the actions of the watchtower in all its incarnations.
I've just listened to an article on "The World"> "Beijing's Campaign of Social Control"
As I listened, I was amazed at how much it sounded like the actions of the Watchtower in all its incarnations.
See what you think.