I'm not sure what the JW's view is in this but vast numbers of Christians and Mormons would consider any examination of a female by a male (and in sonme cases a female) a form of fornication.
JoinedPosts by Dis-Member
According to JWs' application of Acts 15:29, shouldn't they also be refusing medical examinations by gynecologists?
by Island Man inwatchtower uses the following twisted logic to equate receiving a blood transfusion, with feeding on blood:.
feeding is sometimes done by injecting nutrients intravenously.. blood transfusions are carried out by injecting blood intravenously.. therefore the intravenous injecting of blood can be equated with feeding intravenously.. hence, true christians refuse blood transfusions in order to obey the biblical command to "abstain from blood".. now notice how the same kind of twisted logic leads to the equating of an invasive examination by a gynecologist, with sexual intercourse:.
sexual intercourse is often done by inserting the penis into the vagina.. certain invasive examinations by a gynecologist is done by inserting an instrument into the vagina.. therefore such invasive gynecological examinations can be equated with sexual intercourse.. hence, true christians refuse such gynecological examinations that are performed by someone to whom they're not married, in order to obey the biblical command to "abstain from fornication".. it's the same kind of twisted reasoning, isn't it?
According to JWs' application of Acts 15:29, shouldn't they also be refusing medical examinations by gynecologists?
by Island Man inwatchtower uses the following twisted logic to equate receiving a blood transfusion, with feeding on blood:.
feeding is sometimes done by injecting nutrients intravenously.. blood transfusions are carried out by injecting blood intravenously.. therefore the intravenous injecting of blood can be equated with feeding intravenously.. hence, true christians refuse blood transfusions in order to obey the biblical command to "abstain from blood".. now notice how the same kind of twisted logic leads to the equating of an invasive examination by a gynecologist, with sexual intercourse:.
sexual intercourse is often done by inserting the penis into the vagina.. certain invasive examinations by a gynecologist is done by inserting an instrument into the vagina.. therefore such invasive gynecological examinations can be equated with sexual intercourse.. hence, true christians refuse such gynecological examinations that are performed by someone to whom they're not married, in order to obey the biblical command to "abstain from fornication".. it's the same kind of twisted reasoning, isn't it?
I found this comment on a site discussing that very thing. It's something that's just not normally talked about or it's just ignored or put up with but there is definitely a valid debate here.
"It is really surprising that there is still public controversy about the question of male doctor eroticism during a pelvic exam. The medical community recognizes the problem - Why don't you ladies? I will summarize what I see on the matter, and you tell me what facts I have wrong and were my logic has gone astray. Medical textbooks inform the young male medical student that it is "inevitable and unavoidable" that erotic sensations will occur while doing a pelvic exam. Textbooks at least into the 1980's provide this caution. Medical students relate stories that male professors would often comment that "if you do the pelvic correctly you won't need extra lube when you do the bimanual exam." Occasionally medical journals publish cautionary memoirs about young male doctors who "fall in love" with female patients while looking at and feeling the patient's breast and genitals, the tale always ending with a warning from an older colleague. The medical profession has frequently ordered surveys by medical school personnel to determine the extent of sexual violations during intimate encouters in the doctor's office. The published results of self-confession indicate high rates of abuse by male gynecologist (not ear, nose and throat doctors), sometimes running as high as 20%. When male gynecology developed over one hundred years ago there was no denial of eroticism for the male. The novel practice of a man examining the female anatomy was simply defended as a practical necessity - there was no female in the profession to do the job. You want good health, you go to the male doctor. As I have said, textbooks and procedures acknowledged the explosive nature of the exam and doctors quickly set up the chaperone sytsem to reduce the tension. It is only recently as female doctors have moved into the field that male doctors and their followers have come up with the absurd notion that a male can examine a female body in the most intimate manner, and experience absolutely no sexual response. In other words, it has been discovered that male gynecologists are unique in the human species - after six million years of evolutionary development in which the male "automatically" responds to the sight and touch of the female genitals, this all can be blocked out by a couple years in the medical lab. To those of you who comment that the pelvic exam is a simple medical procedure, I say of course it is, but what is the real nature of that procedure. To those of you who say you feel comfortable with your male doctor, I say your comment tells us nothing about what the male doctor is thinking nor anything about your level of awareness. To those of you who say all I want is the best doctor, I respond that all of us want that and I want more. I receive what I want from my female gynecologist. Common sense and a bit a research will indicate to all that it doesn't matter whether he is wearing a white coat and a stethescope, or a tweed jacket with a pipe, he is still underneath a man."
Poll--How Many Believe In God, Do Not Believe or Are Not Sure Of His Existence?
by minimus ini believe in god but i'm not sure of anything....what about you?.
I belive in God, I can sense something. But not certain of anything else. I can prove nothing. I have hope.
I basically live around the 'love your brother as you love yourself' principal but am still learing the love yourself bit.
I don't know where God is or very much about him so I try not to make an enemy of him in the meantime.
What would be a good movie
by Crazyguy inthat is similar as to show the same kind of deceit as the watchtower has done to its followers?
a movie i could show as a warm up to sharing some ttatt with someone..
20 Great Films About Religious Cults
22 documataries on religious cults.
Designs that's just a slow Tango..
This is how you dance to Hendrix.. -
Is Armageddon part of the Great Tribulation? what was WT writers word?
by prologos inor put into other words:.
is armageddon included in in "all the things" that are to come to pass during the 'generation' that jesus spoke about?.
Jerome Harris you have some PM's..
Expect JW.ORG figures to be inflated for August
by Quarterback ini find myself trying to access the website, too often, to access the november wt.
this wt is supposed to contain the details of the changes.
so far, nothing.. i think that others are trying to do the same thing just to read about those details.
78% of hits to the LDS site are from within the United States alone. So not much global reach there.
I see too that their racial ideas still continue. Out of their entire 135 strong organisational line up there are only 2 are persons of colour and both operate exclusively in Africa.
pros and cons of anti depessants?
by Crazyguy inobviously i'm having ex cult issues, family still in and a wife that's all kokoo for cocopuffs as well as our marriage isn't good.
i would like to leave her, she has never been the kind of wife i wanted.
anyway the stress is getting to be to much, thinking about things all the time and its effecting my work as well as otherthings.
This thread was not whether or not to seek professional help for depression. It was about the pros and cons of anti-depressants. So everyone's comments and experiences are valid.
Of course one should seek and explore professional help but I think looking at the subject from every possible angle is definitely beneficial.
pros and cons of anti depessants?
by Crazyguy inobviously i'm having ex cult issues, family still in and a wife that's all kokoo for cocopuffs as well as our marriage isn't good.
i would like to leave her, she has never been the kind of wife i wanted.
anyway the stress is getting to be to much, thinking about things all the time and its effecting my work as well as otherthings.
dis member, if you're depression is severe enough, you literally cannot function. you can't garden, you can't walk, you can't do any of the things you are recommending. These are all good things, but not when you are severly clinically depressed.
I'm not so sure.. I watched my mother die and choke to death very slowly of lung cancer over a 6 month period.. a couple of years before that my father was murdered and his killer was found completely not guilty in a prolonged Old Bailey Crown Court murder trial. A couple of years before that my grandmother passed away.
So I think I more than qualified for clinical depression. I was a serious mess I can tell you. My entire soul and spirit were almost completely snuffed out by these events. Yet I did not take a single pill. I had no family support and no counselling of any kind either. I was completely alone. It was without any doubt the most difficult period of my life to survive. I got off my ass and spent as much time in the country and outdoor fresh air as I could. It took about 5 years but I managed to heal and bring myself out of it and back to life with simple nature.
I mentioned before that I had tried anti-depressants one night years before all these events took place... and it was the very effects that pill itself that made me completely unable to function and not the depression.With the depression I know what the problem is.. I can see what's causing it.. I can try to work out a solution.. I know who and what I am.
With the anti-depressant pill I could not even think straight.. I could not even get out of my bed. I did not even know who I was!
And they call that a solution???? -
I was a publisher of falsehoods
by scotoma inthe biggest regret i have about association with jw's is that they used me to publish their lies.. yeah.
a publisher.
think about the responsibility of a "publisher".. a publisher takes pride in bringing "truth" to the public.
Jehovah's Witnesses, JW.Org = Consistent Publishers of Falsehood
I prefer evil manipulative lying bastards..