Used to, when I a kid. Had a dream once that I was searching through the carpet in the living room in between the chair and TV for the chip of a diamond that had fell out of the only real ring I had. I woke up to find the diamond missing out of my ring and found the tiny diamond in the carpet in the living room exactly where I had dreamed I would find it. I would get bad feelings alot and predict something bad would happen and it always would. Being a JW this terrified me so I lost the ability to do it. I thought Satan was messing with me. Now, the only part of it I have left is a good 6th sense. I have gut feelings about people and they have never been wrong.
JoinedPosts by unique1
what are your special powers?
by SpiceItUp inback when i was younger every dream i would have would come true.
it kinda freaked me out since they were not always good dreams.
i don't remember too many of my dreams anymore but a couple weeks ago i did and it did partially come true the very next day.
Help! Spouse thinks JW religion the most logical
by bittersweet inmy husband and i were discussing what makes some people become jw's last night.
i was saying that if i hadn't grown up in it, i would have never been drawn to it at all.
i'm not a very spiritual person.
I have always wondered and it may make him think as well. They say Christ's rule began in 1914. We know Jesus only gets to rule for 1000 years so why would he waste almost 100 years of that short reign watching things deteriorate? Doesn't make sense to me. That is what first made me start questioning things.
Quit Picking On Us; We're Faithful Prophets
by onacruse injehovah s faithful people on earth publicly emphasized the importance of the dates 1914 and 1918 and 1925. they had much to say about these dates and what would come to pass, but not all they predicted came to pass.
the predictions, as to the dates, were correct, but what came to pass could not be fully seen in advance.
the failure to come to pass of some of the things predicted has afforded satans agents in christendom, particularly the clergy and the man of sin, an opportunity to ridicule and reproach the faithful servants of the most high god, and to say of and concerning them and their published statements: all their visions and predictions have failed; and such proves that they are all wrong, and that all their predictions for the future must fail.
Well, I'm confused. Reckon they could have used more double talk there?
How Many Young People That You Knew Are Still Active JW's???
by minimus inmost of the jw young people that i have known are either inactive, irregular, or "out of the truth" completely.
very, very few are still associated as witnesses now.
are there any zealous young people out there anymore??
3 of my friends are still in the truth, all in their 20's. One of those three has been disfellowshipped twice. Impressive huh? All of my other friends have been disfellowshipped or left.
What Puts You In A Good Mood or A Bad Mood???
by minimus inis there something that just does it for you?
Bad mood: Ignorance, I hate stupid people.
Good Mood: Booze or Chocolate.
I probably have a different view than most here. Ultimately it is up to you, what you believe. Here is my take. I think they have alot of truths, that draw people. Jesus is Jehovah's son, Hell is the grave, etc. But, I personally don't believe that just because they have some truths, means they have all truths. Basic truth can be distorted in many ways and usually is at the hands of any organized religion. It isn't wrong to still believe some of the things you have learned in your study, but that doesn't mean you have to accept it all on face value either. Try reading the bible yourself without publications, and make up your mind for yourself, then if you decide to continue, do so, but if you want to stop, stop. God is the only person who knows your heart condition and only he can judge you at Armagedon. So just be true to yourself and what you believe god wants you to do and don't worry about Armagedon because Jehovah will be able to see you are honest hearted.
Allergy Sufferers, How do you cope?
by Sentinel inseems like the pollen count is way up there in our area, due to tree pollen right now.
but, if it isn't tree pollen, it's grass, etc.
for me, and then ragweed in the fall.
I take Zyrtec daily, use perscription eye drops when necessary and a humidifier when necessary.
Did You Ever Wear A Pinstripe Suit In Field Service?
by gitasatsangha inor did you only wear solid colors?
will this bland, meaningless topic generate replies?
will i achieve "master" status before the month is out?
LOL Nilfun.
Yes. I wore a pinstripe suit and I am a chick. My dad wore one too, so I guess that would give you at least 2 people who have.
What did you do with all your JW books and magazines?
by JH inwhat did you do with all your old books and magazines from the watchtower?
did you throw all of them away, or did you keep a few?.
i still kept a few bibles and a couple of books.
Gave all our bound volumes and books we had two of to goodwill and I throw away all old mags and Kingdom Ministries. (Always have)
Before You Actually Stopped Meetings, How Many HATED Being There?
by minimus inwhen i listen to anything at the meetings, it is with a critical eye.
i really can't stand going, especially today.
did you feel that the meetings were grating and extremely irritating, just before you stopped going altogether?
Well, I still go, like once every other week, just to appease my parents or rather not to deal with my parents, but I can't ever remember enjoying them or feeling refreshed after. I liked going because I got to see and hang out with my friends, most of whom are disfellowshipped now. I always played with my nails. Then I would study what everyone was wearing and make fun of a few people in my head. My mom is one of those psychos that feel GREAT and UPBUILT after every meeting and feels the need to quiz you on everything you remember. I am 26 and she still does this, DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!