Pronger and jgnat i understand this point of view, as i have a hard time dealing with continuing to live a dual life or "double life" As fhe society refers to apostates. Im not interested in going to the meetings either. This would divide my family and as im seen as dog crap on the irgs boot, i will be portrayed as the evil one. Even if im honest. I know that theyll be sneakily teaching my chikdren how im going to die at armageddon brcause they told my wife that about her father.....and it still scares her and she still keeps her distance. I want to be with my kids, teach them to be free, to enjoy activities and not enslave them to this garbage.
Now as for being open and honest, ive been doing what ive been doing for almost a year now....itd be quite difficukt to fess up and let her know ive been going behind her back this whole time--thatd make me look the scary apostate....yet how can i just sit and lead a double life while slowly letting slip little things here and there while fighting the WT undertow that drags her back down? See my dilemma?