alanv: Over here in the UK we are totally disgusted at the scenes we saw a week ago of the violence and rebellion by Trump worshipers.
There is so much wrong with that. You seem to imply disgust at all Trump supporters. Even if all those responsible for the violence were Trump supporters, they are just a teeny-tiny fraction of such and are not representative of the majority. Are you disgusted at all black people because of the terrible things some of them do? Are you disgusted at all white people because of the terrible things some of them do? If not, then why do you and people like you seem to imply disgust at all Trump supporters as if the violence were a Trump supporter issue, when only a tiny percentage of Trump supporters were involved?
To be accurate, you should have written something like "Over here in the UK, we are totally disgusted at the scenes we saw a week ago of the violence and rebellion by a relatively small group of people which probably included some Trump worshipers, whom we realize are not representative of all Trump supporters. We realize most Trump supporters are disgusted by the scenes also."
Your words seem condescending to me. What’s the point of the “over here in the UK we”? Are you over there in the UK so high above us that you condescend to address us and presume to chastise us? Are we over here in the U.S. supposed to be hang our heads because some of you over there in the UK are disgusted by what a tiny group of people did in the U.S.? We, over here in the U.S., could say we say we are disgusted by all the scenes of violence we saw for years in Northern Ireland. Sure, that’s a small sample of the population, but aren’t you implying guilt for a very large group based on what a very small group did?
menrov: Why are supporters of Trump not honest to themselves and admit that Trump (at times) did not act as a president for all Americans.
First, I don't exactly know what you mean by “did not act as a president for all Americans”? I think he did act as president for all Americans in that he acted in the best interests of the country as a whole. That doesn’t mean catering to the specific interests of every individual or group – especially those who want leftist policy which many of us think will weaken and bring down the U.S. Anyway, I don’t want him acting as president for all who are in the U.S. – especially not illegal immigrants, those who want socialism or policy that smacks of such, etc.
Second, a lot of us on this site have acknowledged a number of times that Trump is flawed and that we don’t idolize him; it’s his policies (or at least a lot, if not most, of them) that we like.