JoinedTopics Started by Loveyourneighbor
This is my first post
by Make Lemonade ini wanted to express appreciation to the members of this forum.
there are resources here that are deep.
like we heard from the stage, "what is your depth and breadth of bible knowledge?
My brother died yesterday
by satinka in"albert" was 55 years old, and the fifth-born of seven children.
i am the second oldest and babysat him often while he was growing up --- and while i was still at home.. yesterday, albert was out taking his usual morning stroll around his small town, when he collapsed on the sidewalk.
the doctors said it was a heart attack.
Home schooled witness kids
by stillin insorry if i'm stepping on any toes here, but i haven't seen anything positive about all.
the notion is that parents are taking advantage of the formative years to inculcate more worthwhile values while protecting their kids from worldly influences.
they end up with lazy, socially inept, illiterate duds who haven't a clue.
Waiting for the JWs to come to my door...
by Hortenzie ini read about the new tract distribution and thought to myself how should i react, when they come to my door.
finally today, after finishing my morning coffee, i got an idea!
i'll take the tract, look at it, look at them, and with a nice smile rip it up and hand it back to them with :"have a great day!
John 3:16 - "believe" or "exercise faith?" Same thing?
by Faithful Witness ini recently asked my jw mother, if she believed that jesus died for her sins.
(john 3:16).
she agreed, but then added the jw party line, "you have to exercise faith also.
JW Apolgist rant here...and confession.
by Julia Orwell ini really don't like people disparaging active jws on this site by calling them stupid, idiots, morons and that, and making out like they're willing puppets to the gb or cruel at heart.
or describing them like they're puke or as having no desire to learn or listen.. to you, all these things may be true.
we all have opinions and are entitled to them.
Do you google about someone before you date him or her?
by Iamallcool ini do not understand why many people will not google to see if he/she has a mugshot, criminal record, etc......
by abiather ini am still a jw.
i cant give any more details than this because of my family members who are devout jws.
i cherish a larger picture in my heart without anybody knowing ittrue worship means love and compassion, (luke 10:25-37) not belonging to any organization or having a set of belief system!