wow had no idea how many references to not taking vaccines there were.
JoinedPosts by runForever
95% complete table of vaccination references from 1920 to 1954
by ILoveTTATT inwilton, m.d.negativo7golden ageoctober 12, 1921, p.9doctorpositivo8golden ageoctober 12, 1921, p.9-10a.m.
wilton, m.d.negativo9golden ageoctober 12, 1921, p.10-12l.w.
lamson, ph.d.negativo97golden ageapril 12, 1933, p.440generalnegativo98golden agenovember 8, 1933, p.90generalnegativo99golden agenovember 22, 1933 p.122generalnegativo100golden agedecember 20, 1933, p.178-179generalnegativo101golden agejanuary 17, 1934, p.242generalnegativo (positivo para las transfusiones)!102golden agemarch 14, 1934, p.372generalnegativo103golden agejune 6, 1934, p.568generalnegativo104golden ageaugust 1, 1934, p. 692generalnegativo105golden ageaugust 29, 1934, p.766generalnegativo106golden ageoctober 10, 1934, p.31generalnegativo107golden agejanuary 30, 1935, p.269generalnegativo108golden agemarch 27, 1935, p.409generalnegativo109golden agemay 8, 1935, p.493-494generalnegativo110golden agemay 8, 1935, p.505generalnegativo111golden agejuly 3, 1935, p.634generalnegativo112golden ageseptember 11, 1935, p.792generalnegativo113golden ageseptember 11, 1935, p.793-796dr.
Wonderful story from "the road to everlasting life have you found it?" brochure
by runForever inthis brochure is targeted at african people seeing that every photograph has african people in it.
one night while iwas.
This brochure is targeted at African people seeing that every photograph has African people in it
One night while Iwas
asleep in bedwithmy husband,
I heard a voice call
my namethree times. Then
I sawthe ceiling split apart,
and a fiery, ball-like object
dropped ontomy stomach.
Of course,my husband
could see none of these
things. Nevertheless, I felt a
terrible heat that lasted for
Sixmonths later, the voice
calledme again. Immediately,
the whole house seemed
to be in deepwater. A large
python cameout of thewater and crawled
aroundmy hand. I tried invain to shake it off.
Iwas terrified. Then thewater and the snake
vanished, and Iwas violently thrownto the
ground. Iwas unconscious for several hours.
The voice then toldmeto return to a spiritistic
healing temple in the village.When I asked the
spirit his name, he gave a namemeaning “possessor
ofwealth but no child.”He promised to
makemerich through healing powers.
Sick people came tomefromnear and far.
Before arriving atmy house, theywould appear
inmy specialmirror. Then, as one arrived,
Iwould slapmy palm against his palm, and
the nature of his sickness or problem
alongwith the remedywould immediately
be revealed to me. The spirit
also toldmehowmuch
money people had to pay.
Money and giftswere
pouring inbecauseof the
effectiveness of the cures.
I became a “possessor of
wealth,” but I also learned
themeaning of “no child.”
Each time I bore a child,
his immediate seniorwould
die. Thiswas very distressing.
During the 12 years
that I served this spirit, six
ofmy children died.
I began to pray toGod
for help. I prayed fervently.
One day Jehovah’sWitnesses
knocked atmy door. Although I usually
chased themaway, that day I decided to listen.
In the discussions that followed, I learned that
Iwas servingademon!Imadeupmymind to
quit spiritism.
When I told that to the spirit, hewarnedme
againstmy decision.However, I said: “Iamfinishedwithyou.”
I burned all the things I used in divining.
I studied the Biblewith theWitnesses, became
a servant of Jehovah, andwas baptized in
1973.NowI have five healthy children.My
husband also becamea baptizedWitness.
—As told by Josephine Ikezu.
Box: How did one woman break free from the
demons? -
2012 & 2013 MEMORIAL ATTENDANCES LOWER THAN 2011: Strategies for Beefing up the Numbers
by steve2 inworldwide attendances at the witnesses' annual memorial in 2012 and 2013 were lower than in 2011. in 2011, 19,374,737 attended, whereas in 2012, 19,013,343 and in 2013, 19,241,252 attended.. true, attendance does fluctuate from year to year - but it is less common for the numbers to show decline for two consecutive years.. given the memorial is touted as the most important "display" meeting on the jw calendar, what additional push will be exerted this year to get the numbers up?.
reports of attendances at meetings, memorials, district conventions are incredibly vital to the organization's image of itself as a successful answer to christendom's allegedly nominal membership and poor attendance.
when you criticize other religions in terms of their reported apathy and/or state of decline, you've got a lot of money on your own religious "health" - as shown by numbers, numbers, numbers.
You nailed it. I was sort of wondering why they put that statement in the km. Nice post thanks.
Putting Things into Perspective
by startingover13 insome time has passed since my disfellowshipping, and even more time since i've been to a meeting.
with the stress of finally moving out, university, and work issues, i haven't had much time to reflect on my past life as one of jehovah's witnesses and what it really meant.
as i left my hometown on the bus yesterday evening, i finally had some "chill" time.
I would still be careful and avoid the organization if I were you.
Thowing a monkey wrench in jw doctrine
by runForever in1) the signs of the times are qualified:.
luke 21:.
then he said to them: nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
1) the signs of the times are qualified:
LUKE 21:
Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.
So it's not just earthquakes, famine, pestilence it is great famine, earthquakes and pestilence COMBINED with fearful events and great signs from heaven.
2) Second point is that he says the persecution would happen before these events(earthquake, signs from heaven etc..):
12 “But before all this, they will seize you and persecute you. They will hand you over to synagogues and put you in prison, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name. 13 And so you will bear testimony to me.
Jw's combine these to be happening at the same time such as the persecution in Bulgaria, WW2, etc.. but the bible says AFTER the persecution these things will happen. That's about it.
Cost of new Kingdom Halls?
by Blttex ini have been told that the cost to build a new kingdom hall is $500k +.
i have a background in commercial construction and this seems pretty high to me, considering all the free labor.
that is just the cost of the building, excluding the lot price.
2,000,000$ for add on hall and surrounding wall.
JW's just bought Denney's. What a Joke!
by runForever injw's following the mormons apparently.
on the menu:.
Jw's following the mormons apparently.
On the menu:
The 1914 slam
Brain halves scrambled or over easy, hash browns, your choice of flip-flop pancakes or half-baked potatoe pie. complimentary
Glazed tea.
Anointed Burger
100% ground chuck, Holey swiss cheese, Shrooms(yellow and red with polkadots and heaps of shitaki),special suace, and homemade
miracle wheat buns.
Spiritual Paradise Burger
Too good to be true.
Mega Waffle power plate
All the waffles you can eat. New waffles made daily. Extra helpings of butter and slipup.
No Blood Burger.
The GB has personally sucked the blood out of this one so you don't have to. Plenty of Ketchup though.
Heard they're going to change the name though to 'Deny's" for some reason.
24 hour field service marathon ??
by gingerbread infield service for up to twenty-four hours non-stop.... it's a bit of a fad in our area with pioneers - the twenty somethings especially.
we've heard from other family members and a jw friend that it's a thing in their part of the country as well.. it sounds like a group decides on a day and then piles into a van or suv to 'work' the territory - 12, 18 and even 24 hours.. anyone else hearing of this?.
New "Generations" WT Study Article in 2014??
by daringhart13 ini see people mentioning this and have visited the site looking at all posted wt's.......i see no paragraph's discussing 'generations'....does anyone have any direction?.
How long was Jesus' generation? well only 37 years. Why should we expect any different? Apparently you can quardruple the generation and it still makes sense. Really in effect they have made another ~quarter century prediction as per their pattern. 2025 is a more sure date than 2000 just like 1925 was a more sure date than 1914. Hey if you say it long enough eventually you will be right. That is like a broken clock claiming to be right twice a day. So I am going to start saying the end is coming soon right now and I'll have JW WTB society beat by a good century that must make me smarter than them and more anointed.(2 scoops holy spirit)
The Ultimate Jehovah's Witness Question??? dun dun DUN
by runForever inthere is a gray space, unconnected rifts in the truth.
it is a question that once you ask it you will never be the same - like being on the.
event horizon of a black hole.
Here it is. There is a gray space, unconnected rifts in the truth. It is a question that once you ask it you will never be the same - like being on the
event horizon of a black hole. So - when out in service and you stop for a donut you are supposed to stop your time - but, if you place a tract while at the donut shop you can keep you time going but how long does that placement last for keeping your time going? This is the unanswered question my friend that NO JW can answer and will send the GB into the blackness of the space time continuum. Does it last 15 minutes? 17 minutes? How long does that tract placement last?? 20 min?? Is 21 min pushing it? 30 is surely forbidden. How long does a fast food tract last??? THE ULTIMATE QUESTION.