scotch if its good stuff... otherwise beer pepsi gotta steal your answer john...........YES D all the above FLORIDA
JoinedPosts by primitivegenius
Funny experiences while a JW
by donny indo any of you have any funny experiences while you were part of the jw machine?
back around 1986 i was the ministerial servant in charge of running the sound board in the kingdom hall for our congregation.
we were the last ones to meet in the hall on weekdays (friday) and the first ones to meet on sunday.
glad there were no monkeys hanging around your hall.......... otherwise that woulda made a good story GREAT lol
Did you help clean the Kingdom Hall, yard work, maintenance?
by Thechickennest inat one hall i attended for serveral years had a lawn covering large man-made burms with trees and bushes.
it was a difficult yard to mow and maintain.
i have often wondered why we all pitched in and worked so hard for nothing.
oh how many tons of rock and gravel did i haul into the parking lot, how many hours did i vacum that carpet, clean it....... strip and wax the tile.......... to damn many. i still got my kh key....... should take a picture of it and post it in a new thread lol.
Most Awkward, Embarrassing, Comical things you Experienced as a Witness ?
by flipper inmany of us i'm sure experienced embarrassing or comical moments as a witness.
some things we'd rather just forget , i'm sure, but some things helped us think on our feet, quickly in helping others .
here are a few of mine.
i was out in service in rural territory.......... was this sisters turn so we walk up to the door of a run down trailor that looked like it should be condemned......... grass was knee high where it was bare dirt....... she knocked and no response. i made some comment about the state of repair of the trailor and the fact that there were four or five cars sitting there obviously not running........ since no one was there right................
as we were walking away this dirty redneck gentleman crawls out from under one of the cars....... covered in grease and oil. apparently he had been working on the car the entire time........... and it was aways from where we were knocking so HOPEFULLY he didnt hear my judgemental jw speach about his house. offered him the standard cult mind controlling publications(wt and A) and he declined........... so we left asap.
When lying isn't lying JW style
by bronzefist ini know this is an old topic, but there are many new ones onboard so here goes..... i went to the book study (it's been more than a year since i last had the pleasure)... revelation book chapter 39 paragraphs 1-13. when paragraph 13 finally comes around...... 13 does this mean that jehovahs witnesses are against all government?
they obey the apostle pauls counsel: "let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities.
" they realize that as long as the present system lasts, those "superior authorities" exist by gods permission for maintaining a measure of order in human society.
im sorry guys......... but i cant remember........... WHO WAS THE FATHER OF THE LIE?
How do the elders know if you are truly repentent?
by jetery inthe reason why i ask is because whenever u are df and u are trying to get reinstated they are always tellling u that u have to produce fruits befitting repentenace like attending the meetings,etc.
they always make it seem that since they are gods spirit-directed org.
that he will know whether or not if a person is repentent.
the watchtower bible and tract society has nothing to do with god or his holy spirit. they kick you out for anything regardless of repentance. if the elders dont like you........ your gone,Jesus himself could come down from heaven and testify on your behalf and it wouldnt make the least little bit of difference in their decisions.
i know several people who upon doing something wrong, praying for forgiveness..... and going straight to the elders and confessing...... they got DF immediately because they werent the "IN" people in the cong. now god forgave them the instant they prayed to him...... cause he could see their hearts.... so already being forgiven by him they go and plead before men........... and because they didnt have money or influence in the congregation, those elders chose to throw them out.... knowing emotional states..... knowing that some of them had NO WHERE else to turn but the cong(haveing cut off all their associations except with witneses per witness standard operating procedure)
bottom line..... if the elders want something from you, or like you or your family, or hate you or your family.... thats what determines whether you are truely repentant in their eyes. you can have been dfed every other year for the past decade and some bodies will let you come back in, and others you could have never done anything that would get you introuble with them and they wont accept that your tears are real...... while the other person who is a professional repeat offenders tears are accepted without question.
they dont tell if your truely repentant...... they dont care, there is no holy spirit there to guide them. again..... THEY DONT CARE. if you are driven over the brink by being cut off from ALL your spiritual association while being DFed........... and you become suicideal............. cant blame them...... only yourself........ pray harder and do more......... thats all the advice they will offer you before deleteing you. cold hearted bastards.
on that positive note........ they like me........ i could go back right now..... smile....... and poof i would be an elder in a year.......... but unlike them............. im NOT FAKE. i see the hypocracy inside and refuse to be a party to it. get out of her lest ye share in her sins and all that.
Me and My Big Fat Mouth
by horrible life ingot to share an experience.
because of hippa rules, at my place of employment, i have to choose my words carefully.
a large, boisterous, and talkative lady, was... shall we say near me, and we talked.
This would be fine with me, but the "other girl," is leaving in a couple of months. I will be the only qualified and licensed person to help her. (And she needs help) I will see her 4 more times in the very near future.
lol you KNOW she needs help......... she caught in a CULT and dosent even realize it.
you shoulda let her take the picture....... and throw up two middle fingers just as they snap the pic(or your gang sign of choice) lol.
If you could get back the time spent in WT what would you do differently?
by Thechickennest inis it too late to start over and pursue your dreams?
where would you likely be in life if it wasn't for the time spent being one of jehovah's witnesses?
was there anything salvagable from the your former life in the jw cult?.
yes definately missed out on many opportunities with young ladies, problem is although there were several NICE girls, dont know if i woulda simply because im happy with my situation now...... my son is my world so some of the girls i REALLY REALLY LIKED i might have to pass over because then i might not have met my wife.
the year i graduated highschool they had FREE scholarships that rolled over to the next year because no one took them............ i woulda taken all of them i could have. and for along time i had the military up my ass because of very high scores on their aptitude tests........... they wanted me for Nuclear Physics or something like that.......... would have been a great time to get in and spend my 8 yrs without haveing a 90% chance of getting shot. GI bill woulda come in handy back then.
and my dad always said that he had to go to church untill he was old enough to stand up to his mother...... which was 12 or 13 ish........... i woulda done the same thing. woulda called them on their bulls*** and only attended the get togethers willingly......... for the hot sisters and games and food.....and food....... did i mention food.......... and hot..... well um....... warm blooded sisters lol.
as it is im on my way to getting the education i need.... have a wonderful X-jw wife ......... and the best son born since Jesus Christ himself..........
oh and if i went back in time and relived my life WITH my current knowledge........... i woulda invested in Yahoo and all the other dot. com thingys lol can you say RICH BITCH lol
Automatic reinstatement if teaching gets reversed?
by Fatfreek inlet's say your spouse admitted to having sex with animals, you went to the elders and they told you that you were not free to remarry -- but you went ahead, divorced the scumbag, and remarried someone else.
you, of course, got disfellowshipped.
since then, the society reverses its position.
they dont give a s*** what you did, unless your really hot and then they want to relive the sin in detail so they have something to think about while masterbateing later........
what they do care about is covering their asses and that you respect their authoritiiiiiiiiii
you do what they say when they say it....... how high brother
if you dont then your rebellious, so..... gasp........ you might try to think for yourself..........(apaulled look)
they will then try to kick you out before you can do such a horrible thing.
no appologies for 1975, for banning organ transplants, for letting brothers and sisters be killed in one country and then letting others live in another country while takeing alternative service instead of military, or buying voter cards but not voteing.........
even the catholic church apologized................
Barf bag alert
by JimmyPage induring the recent storms that swept parts of the u.s. a pioneer sister was at a get-together.
"i felt very safe since there were so many pioneers there," she said.
"after all, if we were all swept away, how would the preaching work get done?
their are stupid mother f*****s in many religions who belive this crap. a friend of my wifes said that when the tsunami hit a few years back.....her preacher said one sunday morning that it was god punishing those people. my wife was like........ TELL ME you got your ass up and walked out. nope she sat there. i woulda had to have gotten up and made as much noise as i could while leaveing and it woulda been hard for me not to give that bastard two middle fingers as i did it. some people are drones no matter what church they go to. this same church as a woman over their marriage minestry........... who has never been married............. WTF