sawyer is the best, he cracks me the hell up. deep dish, that is soooooooo hurley lol. i dont think hes really playing much of a part, they say he gives everyone nicknames IRL but hes funny as hell. jack is just irritateing bout now. i cant watch the damn show untill its over............. its like crak man. ive got all the episodes downloaded and i guess im gunna hafta at least watch the first three or four since the bastards at work want to talk about it around me. locke is cool to............ cant give a fave episode tho.............. my most pissed off and hated episode was when fkin micheal killed my fave les**** actress of all time off.............. poor michelle............. she didnt need to go out that way damn it. mr echo rocked tho............ scared the s*** outta that black smoke monster thingy............. well at least he did the first time lol. damn yall gonna make me go and catch up grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr see ya in 5 hours
JoinedPosts by primitivegenius
Who is your favorite character on "Lost"? Favorite episode?
by JimmyPage inmy favorite character is sawyer.
such a smartass.
my favorite episode was when hurley won the lottery.. .
Top 10 ways to mainstream the JW religion
by JimmyPage in10. no more kooky beliefs about blood.
9. stop slamming other religions.
8. make it ok to salute flag and vote.
hell bro i think them old fkers gotta be blazein and drunk as ole cooter brown to make up their bulls*** in the first place............ so we would therefore have to be just as messed up to even ATTEMPT to understand that crap lol
In what foreign countries is it acceptable by JWs to have a beard?
by JimmyPage inafter seeing the danish movie "worlds apart" and being told on this board that it is acceptable in some foreign countries, how common is it and where?.
I wonder if that pic your talking about is of my dad............. he got baptised in a full beard.......... till they started their.......... oh you dont know better but you cant do anything untill you shave that thing off lol............. took him 3 months to do it........... i didnt reconize him that next morning.............. i was like who the hell is this.................
Super Bowl Halftime Shows
by JimmyPage inwhat do you think of the boss playing this year?
who would you like to see in the future?
what acts did you like or dislike in the past?
janets tits always brings down the house................. hey what can they do to top that............ show Rihanna's next time.
honestly............ hey JP i know you are gonna cry foul.................. but i didnt think paul mcartney was gonna pull of that very next half time show.............. but he brought the damn house down.
btw got the beer in the fridge for sunday bro.
Top 10 ways to mainstream the JW religion
by JimmyPage in10. no more kooky beliefs about blood.
9. stop slamming other religions.
8. make it ok to salute flag and vote.
1.) kegs at the Kingom hall.............. that would get ME to show up on sunday.
Were you Raised by an " Elder " Father in the Witnesses ?
by flipper inas i mentioned on another thread , it was very uncommon to ever get any commendation or recognition for any " good" accomplishments i ever did.
you know the jesus expression, " we are good for nothing slaves- what we have done is what we ought to have done.
" ridiculous.
Yeah been there an done that. My dad had his issues, still does. He never was any good at balance tho he did honestly try to be. He always put the congregation first before our family, and worried about its "reputation". I didnt grow up in "fear" of him, but he had a temper and the fact that he had serious blood sugar swings made him someone that i didnt care to be around alot of the time cause you never knew when he was gonna go off. tempers run in our family and with those serious mood swings he would be fine then the next minute just at "11".
it didnt affect me to much tho because once he got those under controll he was ok, but i wasted so damn much time in that cult, always out in service and building kingdom hells. it was fun while i was drinking the kool aid. i guess alot was expected of me and i did my best to fit their mold. i did get an inside look at the bulls*** that happens in those congregations tho. i saw the stupid crap that was let go for peace's sake and it kept comeing back to haunt the elders. when they offered to make me an elder i just shook my head and made up the excuse that i didnt feel worthy lol. at that time i still thought it was the truth and i knew that if they made me one i would have to do what jehovah wanted me to and put an end to the same old crap ................... wasnt worth the effort. i almost got guilt tripped into it tho because they were like.......... we need the help, we dont have enough elders to do all the work.......... i still dont know if it was just that or if they wanted an extra pawn to vote their way. i had to much time taken away by being a ms to want to waste all the rest of my time being an elder. i never wanted that glory lol.
i have this problem of calling it like i see it, its hard to bite my tongue when i need to and i dont like upsetting people. fortunately i dont have to worry about that now. when my PO ELDER father asked if i was going to another church............ i changed the subject........... when later on my sister and mother tried to cornor me............... i told them they really didnt want to know............. and they insisted......... so i gave them both barrels and pulled no punches. told them that they condemned babylon the great and christendom........... yet the witnesses were shareing in her sins. so i "got out of her" to hopefully wash my sins gained from that cult off in time.
big shock they didnt like that much.
now my dad never calls me, mom does only rarely. and they are totally missing out on their only grandsons life. suits me............ i aint recording it for them. they choose that cult then they are welcome to it. when i was living 12 hours away from them......... they couldnt come to visit me and my son............. yet somehow they could come half way about six or eight times in order to work on an assembly hall. cant find the time or money to come see me but can go build kingdom halls.............. nice dad. the stuff you miss out on today you will never get to make up for. enjoy the kool aid
Did Nephilim mate with Animals, too?
by cameo-d inwhy did man need to be instructed that "beastility" is wrong?.
did "primitive man" have no instinct?.
did "primitive man" have no conscience?.
thats why to this day they call it............... spanking your monkey............. or chokeing your chicken............... lol sorry had to
"The Curious case of Benjamin Button" -Brad Pitt was good!
by Witness 007 inthe movie about a baby born old and growing younger each year sounds silly, but the film pulls it off very well.
brad pitt was good and i enjoyed the film.
cate blanchet is brilliant, a very enjoyable thought provoking film.....did anyone else see it?.
one word or is that two.................... nvm
Who is your favorite U.S. president?
by JimmyPage inyou didn't even have to live during his term to pick him on this thread.
still, i'm going with clinton..
clinton.................. two words................ monica lewin........... lewinsk................ ok one word
you leave the cult with deeply ingrained thoughts about any OTHER CHURCH............. it takes years if not decades to overcome this. Fortunately for me, my wife found an awesome church to go to and as all husbands usually agree to go ONCE i tagged along.
The fear walking up was almost overwhelming, the first service was just letting out and i swear i have never seen so many people leaveing outside of a district convention before............ scary, crazy, creepy. i had made up my mind that i would give this fool 15 or 20 minutes then i was gunna be outta there.
then what happened? they frickin started to play music............ for like 30 min or so....... frickin religious music.......... what the hell.........
i had a dozen picnics worth of antz in my pants yellin for me to get the hell outta there by the time the pastor rolled out to start his sermon that morning............. but i was determined to give him 5 or 10 minutes more by this point........... then he started preaching.
the cult tells you that there is nothing else out there, that they have the market cornered on religion and god........... they are full of s***. this pastor spoke to me, he didnt take himself to seriously. he didnt come rolling out in a $3000 suit and start screaming. i felt right at home listening to him talk about living a better life and helping others. he didnt say i had to be perfect, in fact he stressed the opposite, that we werent perfect and couldnt be, but that god loved us anyway. was a great sermon, wasnt deep or preachy but i enjoyed it a great deal. we continued to go for a couple of years before we relocated out of state.
so when we moved the wife looked up the local branches of that same church............. one was over an hour away and had a great pastor...... the other was 30 min away and had a young pastor........... unfortunately i could have given better sermons than he could so we didnt want to drive an hour one way......... or be bored. so we started looking at other churches.......... i swear i went to 20 or 30 churches and i found parts of them i liked and parts that i couldnt stand. some had music that rocked but the pastor had to talk sports every sunday.............. during the sermon. others had a great feel, a welcomeing spirit, and a nice pastor........... but the music sucked. so im trying to find the balance, i dont want a preachy screaming pastor, but i tolerate fools or hokey crap not one bit. its hard to find that perfect balance, but when you manage to pull it off its a wonderful thing.
the one thing that i realize after going to so many churches........ everyone needs something different. if that werent true then any church would do, but if it dosent work for you its like a pair of bad fitting shoes and nothing you do will make it feel right to you.
i went to one church in particular....... right around the cornor from where i was living, nice people, great pastor who gave medium to deep sermons that were all bible based (regardless of what the cult claims) the first morning we attended...... the pastor came up to make a couple of announcements....... one there was a family who had lost their house to a fire the night before and were in need, he said that if anyone could help them to speak to someone afterward and they could find out more details............ this was the very next day after the fire. then that pastor said that someone had come to him because they were faceing their demons and their addiction was giveing them a hard time. and that this person would like everyones prayers to help him. so right then and there he prayed for that brother........ no mention of what addiction he was struggleing with............ no disfellowshipping.............. just prayer for help. i could tell that this place was a great place because they took care of those in need and did it in a loveing manner............... be a good bunch of people to hang out with........... but they sang without music............... so was a deal breaker for me lol.
personally i dont think that a person has to belong to a church, but if you find the right one.......... it makes all the difference in the world. it should feel like your comeing home, if it dosent........... move on to one that does. dont take other peoples word for it........... go look for yourself. if you find one that works for you then enjoy. you will find more that dont work for you than you find ones that do. i have found about 3 that worked for me out of probably 30 i went to, and i probably found 10 that were pretty good out of that same number.
some people get out of the cult feeling that they hate god............ or that he dosent exist. when i came out i hated the as*****s responsible for the wbts, i never hated god. but then again i did leave the cult......... i didnt have them mistreat me and try to kick me out, so i am probably not as jaded and damaged as some would be haveing to deal with all that evil manipulation the elders like to use on people.
just my 2 cents worth