#5, I saved them for a rainy day. I would take them out if I felt like a good cry and would gaze at them wistfully, sometimes I would cry...blah blah blah.
Posts by Piph
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #72
by ozziepost inhow's the weekend going?
here in nsw we've gone from warm to sizzling heat to storms to gale force winds to "get the blankets on the bed" weather.
all in one weekend!
Mystic River
by Euphemism insaw it tonight.
seemed a bit hammy at times, but overall i thought it was very good.
when tom guiry's foot came down on the child's face, i was expecting the camera to cut away, and i was shocked when it didn't; half the theater gasped.
Euph said "Yeah, I was a little worried about Piph for the same reason, but she seemed to be okay."
Yeah, I was kind of surprised it didn't affect me more too. I related to a lot of it, but I felt kind of numb, actually. I think my dad would have really enjoyed it, too.
I didn't realize it was based on a book. I'd really like to read it, too.
I haven't had thoughts of suicide since I've been out. 8-) I still feel depressed off and on, but it's not as bleak or as intense as it used to be. I also noticed that I don't HATE certain people as much as I used to. (I used to harbor murderous thoughts about some people from my past, and I've noticed those feelings have seemed to evaporate.)
Mystic River
by Euphemism insaw it tonight.
seemed a bit hammy at times, but overall i thought it was very good.
when tom guiry's foot came down on the child's face, i was expecting the camera to cut away, and i was shocked when it didn't; half the theater gasped.
He's pretty amazing for a 102 year old. LOL
It was a great movie with an excellent cast. Clint Eastwood (the director) even did the music. I was quite impressed!
What One Thing Hurt You The Most...
by shamus inabout the witnesses.
i mean, what was the worst thing that happened that eventually drove you out of the "truth".
what person hurt you the most, and made you just sick.
With me, it wasn't one person per se. Although I've had my share of mistreatment by a particular elder or two, I was all for the "not turning your back on Jehovah just 'cause his servants are imperfect" thing. For the most part, though, the JWs I grew up around were genuinely caring.
What did it for me was reading a book that mentioned common symptoms of cult victims, and wondering why I fit so many of the symptoms. Then I realized they were all JW teachings. Then I realized I had grown up in a cult. It scared me to death.
by morty incongrats sns!!
master member!!!!
has a great poster, you deserve a pat on the back......
Euph said, "(Sorry, just can't leave my anal-retentive side behind.)"
Congrats, Mistress SNS!! :D
What do you call Jehovah now that you are not a dub?
by SiouxWoman incan we still call god, jehovah.
ok stupid question but i really want to know
I rarely pray anymore. The last few times I did, though, I called him/her/it the "Creative Force of Love". It kind of got too wordy after a while, but that's basically how I view God these days. :-)
1995 "generation change", what were your early thoughts and what was said ?
by run dont walk ini had been long gone by 1995, had i still been in , this would of definitely sent me packing, when the magazines came out in i believe nov 1995, what was your first or early reactions.
what was said from the platform and by the watchtower about this ?.
could someone please post the articles ??????
LOL I'd heard all these rumors that there was going to be "new light" about the generation at the upcoming DC. I was bone-trembling excited...I was half-expecting them to announce the GT had begun. During the actual talks, though, I got this horrific migraine and couldn't even pay attention. At dinner that night I was making everyone explain what happened. I kept waiting for something big and exciting...nothing...I decided I must have missed the key point and should wait for the WT articles to come out. They came out, and I scanned them intensely. Huh. As far as I could tell, they were just saying they didn't know when the end would come. A lot of people in my hall had been talking about feelings of discouragement from the article, but I just thought they were being whiney. LOL I was wayyyyyyy trusting of everything the WT said.
Of course, subconsciously, I had a lot of damage control to do...I had to decide at that point whether I wanted to remain a witness even if the end didn't come in my lifetime (which I believed it would, anyway). Of course I decided it was the best way of life for me...even though I was a sexually and creatively repressed artist who never got to go to college...:-p
Should The Age Of Consent Be Lowered To 13?
by Englishman inat present the age of consent in the uk is 16. .
in spain the age of consent is 13. .
the argument i have heard put forward is that a legal age of consent has little effect on younger people.
I just wanted to chime in and say that I really enjoyed your posts, Abaddon.
I think that if sex is expressely forbidden to teenage kids, it will look even more attractive to them and become more of an obsession that it already is, and would actually foment more teenage sex out of rebellion and frustration. To me, it seems like forbidding teenagers to have sex is another form of repression.
I like the idea that's been expressed in here that the law should govern the age difference between teenage sexual partners, instead of just making a blanket age cut-off.
these quotes
by lastcall indisfellowshipping?practicing a bible standard.
disfellowshipping is a procedure which is laid down in the bible .
a young girl who was disfellowshipped and later reinstated said: "i am happy that jehovah loves his people enough to see that his organization is kept clean.
That's just sad. :(