Ritsfield Victory!

by silentlambs 115 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • safe4kids

    I just wanted to add that I am unaware of the facts of this case. But I'm wondering if the guy showed any evidence of repentance? For example, did he come forward willingly and admit to what he'd done; did he make every effort to try to repair as much of the harm done as possible? Or, as is customary, did he deny, threaten, and generally try to hide behind various excuses?

    I apologize for my ignorance of the facts...if this information is available somewhere and I've just missed it...


    "I undid his head collar and took him outside for a drink, and felt, if not exactly a communion with him, at least an awareness of being a fellow creature on a lonely planet."

    Dick Francis in "To The Hilt"

  • MrMoe

    glad to hear justice has been served. I know of several cases of molestation and the WT and never really put 2 & 2 together before. One was molested by her father and the elders refused to do anything becasue there was no witnesses. The mother is now df'd for divorcing him and marring another and this nasty father handles the sound department. The other case was a very close friend who was molested (not raped but molested none the less)and it was dropped because he confessed, she was tormented by it for years. Man, I never realized htere was a problem.

    This victory will be a victory for many.

  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    Great news Bill. I hope that this helps Erica in her recovery. How is she doing?

  • peterstride

    It's always good news to hear that a pedophile/molestor has been dealt with. Now, for the bigger picture...when is the WTS going to be accountable for its policies that have shielded people like that? I hope sooner rather than later.

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • RedhorseWoman

    This is fantastic news! The tide is finally starting to turn. Thanks Bill for all your hard work, and thanks, Sheila for supporting him and giving us the good news.

  • bajarama


    You asked,
    I just wanted to add that I am unaware of the facts of this case. But I'm wondering if the guy showed any evidence of repentance? For example, did he come forward willingly and admit to what he'd done; did he make every effort to try to repair as much of the harm done as possible? Or, as is customary, did he deny, threaten, and generally try to hide behind various excuses?[/qoute]

    He lied and he's not a very good liar.


  • TR

    Hi Shiela,

    Great News! You are talking about Ritzville, aren't you?


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • waiting

    Well howdy, TR!

    Just wanted to let you know that you'll always be noticed here ---- in a nice way, of course.


  • TR

    How come no encouragement from loyal JW's? Hmmmm....

    I wish I could have made it for the trial. I only live an hour away!Damn!

    Thanks, waiting. Just taking another short break from a hectic schedule.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • StifflersErSlayersBrother

    No incouragment cuz no one knew about it man. I just found out from my bro what was goin on like the other day. No announcments, no anything. I mean, i have missed acouple meetins the last few weeks but im sure i still woulda heard sumthin. Oh well, cant wait till the next dateline.

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