What's the best way to let someone down gently?

by ballistic 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlessedStar

    I don't want to hurt you any further. I am a skunk and really interested in sex and having a good time."

    ok ok the last part should go more like this:

    I don't want to hurt you any further. I am really sorry. I think I am not the guy you are looking for. I think you deserve someone who wants a more meaningful relationship. In other words (her name) it's better we stop this relationship now before it gets more painful. It just not good for either of us. I need to really know myself again."


  • confusedjw

    Marry her.

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    Not to be glib...but you could go the Sex In The City route and say...

    I'm just not that into you.

    Or this is a good one...

    You remind me so much of my sister, cousin, aunt martha....it's nice to have a friend that is like family.

    and if that fails...I appreciate honesty even if it hurts.

    Best Regards,


  • greendawn

    This is an awful situation, try to minimise contact at first and then tell her that even though you hate this you believe that you can not continue being intimate and wish her all the best.

    I have had as girlfriends student girls from other countries that were going to leave after a certain time anyway.

  • ballistic

    No, I've done it. I gave her a call, and said I've had a chance to think, and when we went on that walk the other day, it became apparent we're completely different in so many ways... etc etc, She fell silent but assured me she was ok. Now on the messenger she's saying she was going to ask me to go over there.

  • ballistic

    *** duplicate post ***

  • ballistic

    *** what's going on with this triplicate posting? ***

  • ballistic

    God, I didn't like doing that, I feel for people, even ones I don't know too well, so much. I fall in love quite easily also, but not this time.

  • looking_glass

    It is tough. I think we have all been in both spots before, the dumper or the dumpee. It sucks either way.

    Now on the messenger she's saying she was going to ask me to go over there.

    How do you feel about that? Do you think you can be friends with her?

  • ballistic

    Well, I said on the call we can chat on messenger. Trying not to be crude here, she kind of insinuated that I could go over for sex, a kind of ironic twist, I guess an attempt to keep things going, but I said my mind was made up.

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