I think she is a vulnerable girl. We've only dated a few times, but I'm noticing the less and less interest I show, the more she is contacting me.
Dear Ballistic,
I do not know how I can top the advice already given but I agree with just a cutoff approach. Ultimately, she is responsible for her situation, her feelings and reactions to all of the aforementioned---NOT YOU. I realize you feel that she is vulnerable but this is hers to own. She may be looking to you to "right" her situation, to fill the void that "he" left, that has always been with her and always shall be until she fills it herSelf. This is not your job.
As far as the "less interested you are, the more she is" lol!!, I have a term for this; the power of the least interested. Drives we humans crazy when someone simply is not interested in us and we obsessively seek that energy that we percieve as being deserved and subsequently witheld. Just walk away, my friend, what she seeks cannot be found in another and she could turn into an inadvertant psychic vampire.