What if she never leaves JWs? (The interminable waiting period...)

by AuldSoul 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuldSoul
    MIL Nightmare: For any number of reasons, change of job, change of religion, change of address, the DNA we are born with, you feel you are a dissapoinment to your wife, yet she thinks the world of you.

    In this case, it would have to read more like: "Because she says you are a disappointment to her, you feel you are a disappointment to your wife, yet she thinks the world of you."

    The other reasons are also present, to greater or lesser degrees, but, for what it is worth, that is how the sentence would have to read to represent the discussions my wife and I have had.


  • hambeak

    AS from what I have read you are going through a tough time and I am sure you are strong just be prepared for any and all things. My thoughts are with you friend and their has been a lot of good comments and feelings for you on this thread. Be true to yourself and all things will follow.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    Then that is a statement whereby

    Expectations need to be brought in line with reality.

    If my expectation of my son is that he will become president of the US, than anything short of that will result in dissapointment.

    However if my expectation is that my son has good morals, is a good person, goes to college and gets a degree then there is no dissapointment.

    I love my son with all of my heart either way.

    You are a dissapointment only because of an flawed or outdated expectation.

  • AuldSoul

    I agree, MIL. But she hopes I will go back. She refuses to give up that hope, therefore she refuses to let go of her dreams of my potential, therefore the disappointment shows no signs of letting up. Plus, my mother frequently reminds my wife how much I am missed, how sorry everyone is that I made the choices I made, how hopeful everyone is that I will choose differently before it is too late.

    It doesn't help that, per JW dogma, she is currently married to a walking, talking corpse. An image of the living dead can't really be all that inspiring toward intimacy for any who aren't necrophiliacs.


    Sorry. I had a bit of cavemanish emotion erupt there.

  • trevor


    It is a question of whether I can indefinitely tolerate her disapproval, her disappointment, her regret over my choices.

    When two people have shared a faith and way of life, then one changes it is bound to cause difficulties. The thing is, it is you who have changed. Your act of leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses is a major statement of your disapproval, disappointment, and regret over her choices.

    Although unspoken, it is still there, between you both. She may feel a need to counteract what she sees as opposition to what she believes in. She need to realize that you disapprove of the Watchtower Society not her. She will need help in realizing that she is a person in her own right and has a worthwhile and viable identity that is not dependent on being a Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    It is a great challenge and only achievable through the love you have for her.

  • BluesBrother

    Life with a devout J W wife is to live with perpetual disappointment , barbed conversation and "digs", insults and constantly treading om eggshells as you try to avoid arguments when watching TV news and perceived "Signs of the times" are seen.

    Think about it. She married a man in a Kingdom Hall , the marriage received the congregations blessing, and ostensibly the blessing of Jehovah too. She had a husband who was respected in the congregation . In many cases she enjoyed the privileges that come to an elders wife. Now she has to fend for herself in the congregation . The reasons that she selected her mate have all evaporated .If he were to ask her out now, she would not give him the time of day.

    His opinions seem stupid to her , she cannot begin to understand how he could renege on his responsibilities and "turn his back on Jehovah"..Respect? .No way, not from the heart....the most she could give is a formalism, a sort of doing her duty because Jehovah expects it of her.

    When she thinks of the New World and sees herself there , her husband does not appear in her daydreams .

    Sorry to write so negatively . If you [Auld Soul] have a real relationship that is worth fighting for , then fight, in whatever it takes.......... before it gets to the point that I have described

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    All said, I think it shows how very much you are loved.

    For sanity sake I think that Scully's idea of volunteering is great. There are big brother programs as well. Getting out seems crucial.

    You have to keep challenging their diluted and unrealistic "Expectations".

    When you don't buy into their "Expectations" then you will no longer be controlled by their dissapointment.

    Does she realize that? Of course not, but a marriage counseler could gently point it out to her.

    You are a good man Auld Soul.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Auld Soul,

    She has lent an ear, on more than one occasion, to my parent's encouragement toward legal separation on the grounds of spiritual endangerment (allowed by JWs). My father's okay on that choice would relieve any concerns over congregational problems for her as a result.

    This statement haunted me. No offense, but your dad is WAY out of line on that statement, even according to organizational procedure. The spiritual endangerment clause is supposed to only be used if you are making it impossible for her to carry on "spiritual activities". Not saying I agree with it, but that's the way the WT rules work. If you'd like I can do some digging to see if I can come up with the WT definition. You may be able to use that to get your family to back off from pressuring your wife.

    I saw your note back to me regarding the fact that your wife wasn't raised a JW. Sorry for making that assumption. Does she have other JW family? Obviously, your family has a strong influence with your wife. Your dad sounds like a well respected PO and I could see her giving weight to his opinion. However, he's really crossing the line by meddling in your relationship. Of course, I'm sure I'm not seeing the whole picture, but it sure sounds like your family is trying to punish you by interferring with your marriage.

    ((((Auld Soul))), I'm really sorry that you are having to go through this.

  • reneeisorym

    I can tell you that about a year and a half ago I was just like your wife. I did that to my husband. I was disappointed in him. The whole situation was too much so I left him. Only after I left him and the elders told me that I would have to be single for the rest of my life did I decide to leave the JWs. It was only then that my mind was opened and I was able to embrase Christianity. I thank God every day for showing me the real truth.

    Your wife is disappointed in you and she does not feel proud of who she is because she is embarassed of you. I would talk to her but not expect her to understand. I would recommend being the most Christian, loving, considerate man you can be. Unfortunately, I doubt you will ever have a fulfilling relationship with her.

  • restrangled

    Dear Auld Soul

    Here is another take from a different perspective. My dad was and elder, but my mom was still never happy. He wasn't ever doing enough, made mistakes, not enough service time, etc., etc., etc.

    Through the years he slaved away and provided a beautiful income for my mother. She always had beautiful new 4 door cars for service and absolutely beautiful rooms for Tuesday night bookstudies. He died at age 64 leaving her a comfortable life and retirement. He left the Jw's shortly after 1975. Much of the money he earned and continues to make in interest winds up with the society.

    After he died my mom realized what a great guy he was, but sadly not in his living years.....Do not tolerate, accept, or buy into the inferior feeling you are experiencing now. As you are aware no one in this cult ever measures up to expectations at any level. Its a life time of guilt no matter what position you hold.

    You sound like you love your wife as much as my father did. Do not, and I repeat, do not let this cloud your accomplishments or lack of involvement in the JW's. It is a bottomless pit of expectations and I am sorry to say a sick type of power if allowed.

    My mother just informed me that unless I quite smoking, most of my Father's estate will go to the society. So you see, they can induce guilt, conformity to their ideals, wishes etc. if allowed. Hold firm to YOUR ideals and wishes. That does not take away from who you are or love of your wife.

    I personally really admire you.


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